I honestly think that most of the disagreement isn't homophobia though. Homophobia, in my mind, requires an active hate of transgender people. [correction - transphobia is hatred of trans, homophobia is hatred of gay/lesbians, my bad, but same argument] It's a necessary ingrediant. Disagreeing on Leftist LGBTQ doctrine and dogma is not the same as hate. Much of it is a system of belief that a person either accepts, or they don't. You cannot prove conclusively for me that gender exists on some kind of continuum. I can just say that what we are observing is variations of personality traits within one of only two existing genders (effeminate men and masculine women). Psychology is a soft science. A lot of it comes down to what semantics you prefer to use. You cannot force everyone, everwhere, to believe what you believe. Gender ideology doctrine has become a pseudo-religion or pseudo-science IMO. Much of the "arguments" for it are emotional appeals, shaming, and then accusations, name calling and threats. I refuse to join because an angry mob wants to police my thoughts.
[SUBMITTER’S NOTE: MelianMarionette is a fake identity made up by a predatory pedophile to cozy up to young girls on Deviantart. Gives you some idea of what kind of company Clairy likes, doesn’t it?]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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