crew2 & Robtical #sexist

[Serious] So our loneliness is our fault and we need to improve ourselves to get a girl but the pay gap...THAT'S MENS FAULT SWEETIE!

Anybody else see the hypocrisy here? Pretty much any successful woman I can think of or woman who has money is successful or has money because she either:-

- Inherited her money from her father
- Inherits money from their partner/husband
- Made money from men 'physically objectifying' her
- Gains money via child extortion
- Gains money via marrying a rich man
- Fakes depression, stress or disability for welfare

There are very few exceptions to this.

Not only is this the case but women willingly take the easy road and fall in line with one or multiple or in some cases all of these which is literally what causes the pay gap. Shouldn't they be improving themselves and working harder to gain these rewards the same way we are apparently supposed to do to get a relationship?

Of course they will say that it's mens fault and we are "upressing dem waaaahhh" but where is the evidence of that? Where are the mountains of emails and recorded conversations of men in power all agreeing that women should be paid less than men???

I mean it seems that coronavirus affects a higher number of men than women. Does that mean the coronavirus is women's fault???

"Rape culture" and "domestic violence" are also men's fault, not because of their choice to chase thugmaxxed chads.

Exactly. Another great example. Remove the incentive to be a thug (attracting foids) and guess more thugs and better society.

High iq. If foids said today "no more sex for violent criminals" then they'd all diappear the next day, but they do the opposite then blame men for "toxic masculinity".



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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