You don’t “get” a girl. You meet someone, you both find that you share interests, sense of humor, hobbies, or something. Sometimes, you stay friends. Sometimes more romantic feelings emerge.
The pay gap is patriarchy’s fault. Work that a lot of women do (those that are now deemed ESSENTIAL) are paid less than work that a lot of men do (many that are somehow not seen as ESSENTIAL right now). It’s the “value” that is put on men’s work vs women’s work that is the problem.
Pretty much any successful man or man who has money, is successful or has money because he either:
- Inherited money from his father
- Inherits money from their partner/wife
- Gains money via child extortion
- Gains money via romance-scamming a rich (often slightly older) woman
- Fakes depression, stress or disability for welfare.
What’s more important for success (for both men and women) is to inherit a thirst for knowledge and education from your parents. This, the Orange Clown apparently never got, and so, despite his huge wealth, he’s been a constant failure.
Women are taught from early childhood that they are meant for women’s work, that men’s work is “too hard” (even though women have higher grades on average and study longer and higher on average, than men do).
What easy road? Working full time, AND do most of the unpaid work at home too, AND do most of the caring for children?
Like I said before, a lot of men (e.g. the Orange Clown), inherited money too, so that can’t be the cause of the pay gap.
Women ARE working harder to gain the higher grades and the higher education. They still often fail to get the high-paying jobs, because the men working there select other men during job-interviews, out of laziness and habit.
Women are ALSO improving themselves to “get” a relationship. Some of all that make-up and hair-styling and clothes-shopping, trying on different outfits, being on constant diets, etc., is done to attract men.
Evidence that women are oppressed: A lot of women are beaten up, raped and/or killed by a partner or ex-partner. Women’s careers can be destroyed if they say NO to sexual advances from a superior or colleague. There’s still an underlying feeling that women’s pay is just an extra income, and men are the Real Workers, even though women work almost as much as men do (women take out more parental leave than men do), AND women do more of the unpaid work at home.
A lot of women are working themselves to death (sometimes literally) to keep the sick men (and the sick women) alive. Covid-19 is the fault of narcissistic “leaders” (mostly men), who rather suppress and ignore problems, than ask for help.
The incentive to be a thug only exists between thugs. A few teenage girls and even fewer women might be attracted to thugs, sure. Some 90-95 percent of us are attracted to intelligent, charming, generous, open-minded, funny and interesting guys.
Rape Culture is you calling women “foids”, thinking women are to blame for being raped, thinking the wage-gap is women’s fault, etc.
Women have been saying ”no more sex for violent criminals” for over hundred years. Assholes like you are still saying “they secretly want to be raped”, perhaps because that’s what you see in porn, MADE FOR MEN (another part of Rape Culture). Besides, rape doesn’t have to be physically VIOLENT. Most rape-victims go into frozen fright, when someone is having sex with them against their will. Here’s a hint; if the one you’re having sex with seems to be doing an impression of a dead eel, rather than writhing and moaning with pleasure, you might be raping that person.