various commenters #transphobia

RE: Starting to have resentment for HSTS men for having a hand in creating a false image of TIMs

( samsdat )
I’m not just here because of the danger to women and the fetishism and the intrusion into our spaces and the obliteration of our right to privacy; I am also offended at the fraud. And the HSTS are just as fraudulent as the straight AGPs. It’s an infuriatingly shameless denial of reality.

Now, I’m not against having some unprovable beliefs about souls or other things that can’t be proven to be real. I have my own beliefs that other people might think are ridiculous. And I’m fine with people believing things I don’t believe. But those beliefs should never be forced on other people. Trans is a religion and the whole thing offends my belief in separation of church and state AND freedom of speech.

( Aparallaxia )
There are some HSTS who speak out against straight TIMs, but not many, and that's in part because so many of them also are AGPs who hate and envy women just as fiercely.

BTW I don't find Nikkie Tutorials 'safe and non-threatening'. Anytime he is photographed next to a woman he looks like he's brought his lunch with him.

( Spencer_Shayy )
He also raped his husband by deception by not telling him he was male.

( SecondSkin )
Gay men are men.

Men are the problem. All men. Gay men, black men, disabled men, elderly men included. All are the problem, so don’t be afraid of saying it.

( fightlikeagirl )
Would I rather be around an HSTS than an AGP? Absolutely, because straight men are more dangerous. That being said, all TIMs perpetuate harm against women.

( RisingUp )
Gay TIMs could have stopped this shit dead in its tracks if they’d publicly disowned the creepy cross-dressers. And if they actually cared about women they would have.

( Riothamus )
Gay TIMs seek to rape straight men by deception. Of course they won't call out dudes who try to use the same tactic against women.

( Bubsy3D )
It's okay to be angry at gay men because they're men even if they do not transition into anything btw. Only men can be truly homophobic against gays because the root of their """phobia""" is the fear of being the target on another man's penile access, which they know is extremely degrading.

( Spencer_Shayy )
It's not homophobic to say this. Or if it is, I don't care. I blame gay men as much as straight people for this "trans" bullshit.



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