white_usa_ #racist stormfront.org
No, we are not recruiting liberals in this thread. Instead, we are transforming them into White Nationalists by eliminating the effects of brainwashing perpetrated by perfidious Jews.
The so-called ‘racial equality’ is a weapon Jews are using to destroy white societies.
To liberate white minds from the effects of Jewish brainwashing we must first destroy Jewish egalitarian ideology.
In this thread we expose ‘racial equality’ as a gigantic lie by demonstrating that nonwhites belong to genetically inferior races.
White liberals read this and realize that they were gullible, wrong on all these issues and worst of all, that they supported the destruction of their own people. Shame on them!
Fortunately, armed with the knowledge they absorb in this thread liberals figure everything out and change their horrific behavior: ’I will no longer be a race traitor! I am now a WN!’
Consequently, we are not recruiting liberals, but WNs.
This is how it works.
We first show this disturbing image to white liberals and ask them: Does this creature look like an ape or human?
Well, “it” has features of both apes and humans because aboriginals represent a transitional species between apes and humans. Technically speaking they are sub-human or Untermensch.
Everybody, including liberals agree with this assessment, because it is self-evident.
Okay, then we ask liberals: Do you think that only 1-2 million aboriginals in Australia are profoundly subhuman, but the remaining 7 billion+ ‘people’ are miraculously all at the same level of evolutionary development?
Of course not! Pigmies and bushmen are also subhuman. What about the Bantus? Perhaps borderline human. Maybe? No?
Cross that—Sub-Saharan Africans, particularly Congolese are also subhuman!
Then we discuss Dravidians that are vastly genetically inferior but not subhuman. Indonesians? The same thing.
So liberals finally realize that various races, subraces and mongrels are all part of a comprehensive racial hierarchy.
Racial hierarchy looks like a pyramid, with subhumans at the bottom. As you climb the pyramid, nonwhite ethnicities have ever higher percentage of humanity.
At the very top resides genetically vastly superior white race!
But make no mistake: All nonwhites, without exception, are genetically inferior beings!
So a white liberal reads this and goes: ‘I get it! If nonwhites are genetically inferior, then we must not mingle with them, because they will degrade our racially superior Aryan genetic pool with their retrograde genetics, right?’
That’s right! We don’t want them anywhere near our race, because their genetic inferiority transforms them into racial parasites. Nonwhites are absolutely worthless to us!
For example, I bet you that 10-20 white liberals reading this are nodding their heads in agreement: This makes perfect sense! Lying Jews have managed to fool me, but now I get it!
So they join our ranks.
This is the template we will use going forward to win this fight and liberate our people!
Makes sense?