I see a lot of support for teen pregnancy online. There are even programs and websites for supporting pregnant teens. But if a Muslim girl the same age gets married suddenly it's the worst crime in humanity and they start their media campaigns and international pressure.
Forget 12, it's considered the worst crime if she's 17. Most "child brides" are actually 17 at the time of their wedding. They don't just resort to media campaigns, but they also set up NGOs and send them to non-western countries in the hopes of raising the AoC or at least the minimum age of marriage to 18. They have succeeded doing this in Pakistan for instance. It used to be 16 and now it's 18 and you will get thrown in jail and pay a fine if you are involved in it. If you are the father giving her away, if you are the man trying to marry her, if you are the imam who will make the marriage lawful, etc. Even if she wants to marry on her own accord.
So fucking ragefuel.
Fuck leaders of Muslim countries for being so corrupt and letting our countries be so weak against the violent savage West.
I don't know how you guys cope with this stuff, it stays in my head for days every time I see shit like this.
Yes, it's definitely ragefuel and I am not someone who easily gets mad. In the case of Pakistan, it's because there are millions of Pakistanis with dual citizenship, usually from America, England and Canada and they infect the country with their western liberalism, think of feminism, socialism, LGBT, etc. There are now many Pakistani liberals, you can find them on Twitter and they put pronouns in their bios and they are also overly sexual. No shame whatsoever.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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