Civitas #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy #racist #quack

The French government dissolved the fundamentalist Catholic association Civitas on Wednesday (October 4), stating that the group seeks to “wage war against the Republic” by spreading anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, homophobic and conspiracy theories

“Civitas promotes a hierarchy between French citizens with clearly anti-Semitic and Islamophobic theses,” government spokesman Olivier Véran said after the Council of Ministers, in which he announced the association’s dissolution

Véran added that the Catholic association, which was founded in 1999 and became a political party in 2016, “calls for war against the Republic”, even through the “use of force”

He also criticised the group’s homophobic stance, which sees LGBT people as “a harmful community”, and its organisation of “rallies in homage to figures emblematic of collaboration [with the Nazi regime]”

The dissolution of the Civitas association was announced at the beginning of August by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin after anti-Semitic remarks were made at the movement’s summer university in late July by Pierre Hillard, an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist [See here][…]
In a documentary by broadcaster BFMTV aired at the end of September, an undercover journalist discovered Civitas premises in which the writings of Goebbels and Adolf Hitler appeared

The Catholic group has stated – of the French government – that it wants to “break with this Masonic republic, the vassal of a new world order”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the movement opposed the “tyranny” of vaccination and the health pass. At the time, Civitas was supporting and promoting conspiracy scientists, including the chemist Anne-Marie Yim



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