Tatoruzux #transphobia twitter.com

The thing that annoys me about the pronoun people is the complete abandonment of objective pronouns.

They started out using pronouns like he/him, they/them, etc. and this format least made grammatical sense because they were referring to one's respective subjective and objective pronouns.

-Subjective pronouns: He, she, and they
-Objective pronouns: him, her, and them

But now the pronoun people have started using formats like "he/they" or "she/they" and that doesn't make sense because both of those pronouns are subjective pronouns. So what's implied is that they either somehow don't use objective pronouns or they want to use subjective pronouns in place of objective pronouns.

I know this isn't intentional, but grammatically what that signals to me is that you want to use the word "they" in place of an objective pronoun.

To see how weird this would be used in a sentence, here's a couple examples:

- "He knew that everyone relied on they to lead the group."
- "He realized that everyone was talking about they."

If you want to signal that you use both "he/him" and "they/them" pronouns, then find a better way to communicate it. Because when I see "he/they" I just assume you're a retard who doesn't know grammar. You freaks.



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