Almost every aspect of the satanic NWO agenda depends on the smartphone and our voluntary use of it.
Be it the planned Certificate Of Vaccination ID (COVID) (for restricted mobility), central bank digital currencies (to abolish anonymous cash payments), social credit score (for behavioural monitoring), carbon footprint or personal data like driving license, fingerprints, travel documents, digital ID, all the control data is and will be centralized and saved on the smartphone.
The smartphone is THE lynchpin of the erection of the satanic nwo (and lynch they will us if we don't resist). It's the most important and most powerful tool to enslave us as it collects perpetually all of our through phone number personalized data and thoughts to give it to those that want to turn us into remote controlled zombots.
Without everybody carrying around a smartphone, the NWO would be dead by tomorrow and they know that. That's why they want to chip us all as it's hard to get rid of a device inside the body while it's easy to just throw away a smartphone.
A smartphone is not a smartphone it's a Slavephone and only slaves are available 24/7. Life without a smartphone is not only possible and much easier than many people think it is the most effective way to free our minds again and bring down the NWO.
Disclaimer: To be fair, I have an old smartphone which I bought several years ago for job reasons. I use it now elusively for the rare case of online banking as it makes not much of a difference anymore whether I type the numbers on my keyboard at home or at the internet connected service terminal at the bank. Our bank accounts run on the internet anyway. Second purpose is the phone number which I give to those who I don't want to have my landline number. Every two or three days or so I take it out of the metal box where I store it for the sake of radiation and check if anybody left a message on the mailbox.
I miss nothing.
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