Jon Del Arroz #fundie #wingnut #homophobia

[Context: Heather Antos edits Star Trek comics]

Heather Antos pushed harder into the LGBTQ+ community, including contributing to a pro-child grooming anthology titled “When I Was Young,” which was marketed as stories about corrupting youth into sexualized situations. The anthology is a poignant example of fueling speculation as to whether this was an offering of child sacrifice to the Devil.

On top of this, Antos posted a viral video mocking Christians again by replacing the Bible with the book “The Jedi Path”, showing a deep commitment to known satanic institutions like Disney Star Wars, which are now pushing messages that evil is good and good is evil through their shows like The Acolyte.

Now, Heather Antos created further uproar this weekend by wearing a t-shirt at the Chicago Fan Expo, which clearly reads “Hail Satan.” With such a past of having toyed with devil worship, it seems like her intention is clear with comics.

If she has indeed sold her soul to the devil, it explains why she’s risen to such prominence in the industry despite demonstrated incompetence which has led to Valiant Comics shutting down and outsourcing their entire line to a different publisher via licensing, as well as IDW Publishing delisting from the stock exchange and laying off a substantial part of their workforce because of massive reported losses since Heather Antos has been editing at the company.

As comic book fans, we can only pray that Heather Antos will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and get herself off this dark path.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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