Mark #fundie #magick

I will be completely transparent. Pumpkin Jack shocked me. We are playing as a servant of Satan. We are doing the bidding of the devil. The storyline is all about stopping peace and harmony because it is boring. Pumpkin Jack is pro evil, pro devil, pro rebellion, and more. Pumpkin Jack has references to gore, and lets the player use magic. We also have a crow that we can launch at enemies to attack them. As we progress in Pumpkin Jack we get more violent weapons.

Players save and restore their health at witches cauldrons in Pumpkin Jack. After we die Pumpkin Jack tells us we are resurrecting and lets us know how many times the player has died thus far in the game. The graphics in Pumpkin Jack are on the dark side. I ran into lag issues every single time I came to a cauldron or there was some story element loading in. The music in Pumpkin Jack is very creepy. Pumpkin Jack represents the Satanic holiday of Halloween quite well.

I can’t imagine Pumpkin Jack doing very well in America where the super majority of citizens self identify as Christian. Pumpkin Jack is the opposite of the Judeo-Christian values the super majority claim to hold. Maybe I am wrong. On paper Pumpkin Jack looks like a very bad idea in this market. I can see plenty of families being deeply offended by Pumpkin Jack. I was shocked that anyone would make a game like this.

I noticed the camera was jittery at times, the controls felt a bit loose, and collision detection was not always there. The running/escape levels were pretty neat. The boss patterns are rather predictable. Pumpkin Jack is on the shorter side in terms of length. Decent gamers can beat Pumpkin Jack in five hours. My research into Pumpkin Jack found no physical copy versions in the United States at this time. Pumpkin Jack was a spiritually draining game to play.



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