Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Judge Engoron is a political hack who ruled against me before the trial even started. He is doing the dirty work for the Democrat Party. I was not even given the option of a jury, This Rigged Case should have never been brought, but since it was, it should have been in the Commercial Division, but Engoron WOULD NOT LET GO OF IT. He fought us, sanctioned us for no reason, fined us big money, never gave us even a one day delay. This is his big chance, and he was not going to let it go. In the meantime, they “lost” their Star Witness, and my Financial Statements are GREAT! There was no fraud, so they are working with the corrupt A.G. whose campaign was “I will get Trump,” to develop something, anything. They even go back to 2014, past the Statute of Limitations, to look at a “low ball” offer I made for the Buffalo Bills. Someone else offered much more, so what? Now they come up with something called “disgorgement.” I never even heard of the term. WITCH HUNT!!! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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