D3X #crackpot incels.is

[LifeFuel] Any geneticist incels here if you can recreate the XYY mutation this could reduce or solve inceldom

Physical traits[edit]
People with the 47,XYY karyotype have an increased growth rate from early childhood, with an average final height approximately 7 cm (3") above expected final height.[5] In Edinburgh, Scotland, eight 47, XYY boys born 1967–1972 and identified in a newborn screening programme had an average height of 188.1 cm (6'2") at age 18—their fathers' average height was 174.1 cm (5'8½"), their mothers' average height was 162.8 cm (5'4").[6][7] The increased gene dosage of three X/Y chromosome pseudoautosomal region (PAR1) SHOX genes has been postulated as a cause of the increased stature seen in all three sex chromosome trisomies: 47,XXX, 47,XXY, and 47,XYY.[8] Severe acne was noted in a very few early case reports, but dermatologists specializing in acne now doubt the existence of a relationship with 47,XYY.[9]

Prenatal testosterone levels are normal in 47,XYY males.[10] Most 47,XYY males have normal sexual development and have normal fertility.

Approximately half of 47,XYY boys identified by newborn screening programs had learning difficulties—a higher proportion than found among siblings and above-average-IQ control groups.[6][13] In Edinburgh, 54% of 47,XYY boys (7 of 13) identified in a newborn screening program received remedial reading teaching compared to 18% (4 of 22) in an above-average-IQ control group of 46,XY boys matched by their father's social class.[17] In Boston, USA 55% of 47,XYY boys (6 of 11) identified in a newborn screening program had learning difficulties and received part-time resource room help compared to 11% (1 of 9) in an above-average-IQ control group of 46,XY boys with familial balanced autosomal chromosome translocations.[18]

So the positive side of this is that the men are taller (average height 6'2) but had learning difficulties and average to bellow average iq

So what do you guys think ?



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