Tom(Montalk) #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger

Like the Grail, the Ark of the Covenant was an object endowed with supernatural powers.
Ark: Etheric and Electric Fields
The Ark is infamous for its deadly energy discharges. Those unqualified to touch, approach, or even look at the Ark would be struck dead:
The Ark alone cannot do what the Bible says it can, at least not according to conventional science. The top mistake fringe researchers make is limiting their interpretation of the Ark’s function to the perspective of conventional physics and engineering. Thus they propose it was merely a spark gap radio, electrical capacitor, seismic energy transducer, algae food grower, or some other mundane device. While each of these may explain a few alleged Ark traits, they cannot account for them all.

High demiurgic technology, however, explains everything. Just as in Alchemy, conventional scientific principles may enter into the equation but are not the only ones involved. While the Ark may be a capacitor, that is only a small aspect of its total function. One has to go beyond regular physics to understand it.

For instance, it’s worth noting that, topologically speaking, the Ark is a spherical capacitor, where one electrode is nested inside the other. According to my fringe physics research, what makes spherical capacitors special is that they can receive, transmit, absorb, and emit gravity waves. It has to do with changes in charge density coupling to changes in the gravitational potential. If the Ark was a spark gap radio, it would have had to intercept gravity waves and convert them to electrical arcing between the two winged figures.
In summary, the Ark Stone is a physical matrix possessed by a powerful entitized thoughtform created or invoked according to the operator/priest’s instructions. If it seems belittling to call Yahweh a thoughtform, bear in mind that the universal Demiurge is a thoughtform also, and so are our own souls.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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