Billie Faye Woodward #crackpot #ufo
<part of a Hollow Earth meditation session>
Well, what I’m going to say is this is a special time. This is a special time for you, all of you, globally. We are going to what is termed enable you to do what is termed as make connection with your Godselves. And that is what this meditation is about. And it is also about bringing forth your blessing that you have been waiting for. So, my beloved Saraiya is standing by and she has it all planned out, the meditation.
And so – we only have 20 minutes – so I am going to be silent myself and I am going to bring forth my beloved Saraiya, and she shall take it from this point. So, it is about meditating. So prepare yourselves. Turn off your iPads and iPods and things that are going to distract you. And turn off your telephones and go into your altar room or into your private space or your way out in Mother Nature and out with trees. And just get away from your hustle and bustle of your everyday existence. All right? Let us begin. And here is my beloved Saryya.
Indeed. Beloved children of Terra. We welcome all of you today to partake of this great event of this global meditation. So to begin everyone of you, just begin to relax. Whether you're sitting in a chair, whether you are out in nature whether you're in the woods or on the beach, or you are by a tree. Just sit and begin to relax with your feet on the ground, preferably on grass or on the sand or on the ground, but preferably with your feet connected to our beloved Terra and being barefoot if possible.
Zorra: In actuality do what is termed as stay where you are in your meditation, even after this 20 minutes is over. Just stay where you are and soak in the love and the Gods and Goddesses that you are.
Just feel that energy welling up within you as you walk on the white sandy beaches of Hollow Earth. As you step into the Hollow Earth warm waters and you commune with the mer peoples and things of this nature, and you see the oneness of them and the oneness of Hollow Earth. And the oneness of the power that lies within you. It is there. It is waiting to be tapped into.
So just do that.
Stay in your meditating state even after this meditation has come to an end. Let it not end, but continue within you. Stay as long as you desire, walking on the sands of Hollow Earth. Hand-in-hand with your Godselves. With your friends and with your relatives and with your brothers and sisters of Hollow Earth. Just walk with them and feel the Goddesses and Gods that you are. Because you truly are Gods and Goddesses. And therefore abundance is yours and you can bring this forth yourselves.