woodchip #wingnut #conspiracy descentbb.net

I'm wondering with the revelation that a Biden think tank possessed classified documents, when will we be seeing FBI Sturmtruppen invade Biden's home. I'm not holding my breath in anticipation…

Lets see TC, in Trumps case there were secret service agents guarding the place and the security there was infinitely higher than Biden's documents. Locked closet stored with no security agents around where any chi-com agent could access them. And when Biden grabbed them he was only a vp and not POSTUS. Just to remind you and et al that a pres. can de-classify what ever the hell he wants. and in Bidens case, the National Security Act says you may not posses classified documents no matter what your stated intentions are. Neither does it say anything about number of documents. Interesting you and Ferno are thinking it is a number issue as that is what the libs are pushing.



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