Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia
RE: I've discovered a new goldmine: searching /r/asklesbians for the word "trans"
have you all seen his post history? of course he's AGP😔
If they're men they're always AGP deep down. The women transitioned are usually sexual assault victims,mentally ill and are trying to opt out of sex based discrimination.
I think some of the guys are just feminine gay/bi men with internalized homophobia. But of the ones that like women, yeah, definitely AGP.
The lack of replies is incredibly telling, but not of the bigotry they're imagining. I read that sub sometimes and there is no shortage of libfems that post there. No, the reason they're actually not getting any replies is because even the libfems don't know how to give sex tips to a man with a neovagina because they don't have sex with men with neovaginas. Or men with dicks. Or... Men. You can give transbians lip service about how valid they are all day long, but when it comes right down to it, even the libfems aren't fucking these guys, and don't want to think about or discuss it.
There are so many posts on these subs detailing their "lesbian" sexual experiences, but only one sex partner ever seems to be a trans lesbian. 🤔 If trans women are women, I would fully expect r/asklesbians, r/actuallesbians, etc. to have more posts talking about the girly fun slumber party tee hee lesbian experiences of playing with each others' balls.