Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger

[From “Notable Truths for European Man”]

The color of one’s skin matters. If it did not, the Bible would not note skin color. King David was a white man[…]King David was the Virgin’s ancestor and Mary was the mother of Jesus. The Father of Jesus Christ was in no-wise whatsoever a Jew. Christ and His bride as described as White[…]
It is error and lies that equate the modern Jew to the biological descendants of Jacob, renamed Israel

Esther 8:17 shows that[…]many ethnicities have converted to Talmudic Judaism

Jesus Christ recognized that these “Jews” travelled around the world to convert people to their traditions and made them twice the sons of hell as those Jews/Pharisees already where (Matthew 23:15)[…]
King Herod was an Edomite Jew who was a liar and murderer like his father, the devil. (Matthew 2:16, John 8:44)[…]
Jesus Christ was not in error when he declared that the Jews were “liars, and of the synagogue of Satan.” These scriptures are as applicable today as the moment when Christ uttered these words to John in a message to European churches, whom he loves (Revelation 3:9)

Every Scripture written since Christ’s Resurrection where written in a European language — Greek

Jesus Christ did not come to save everyone, he came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is why Paul is sent to Europe. The Twelve Tribes dispersed abroad into Europe. Are other saved? Yes, even the dogs feed on scraps from the Master’s table

Jesus Christ stopped speaking Aramaic and stopped speaking Hebrew. The words he uttered in the Revelation are explicitly Greek (I am the Alpha and the Omega”)[…]
A good Jew is a former Jew who, like Saul, converts to Jesus Christ, changes his name, and then declares publicly:
•That the Jews murdered the prophets
•[…]Murdered Jesus Christ
•[…]Are not pleasing to God
•[…]Are contrary to all of mankind because they[…]prevent men from hearing the Gospel so they can be saved
•[…]God’s wrath abides upon the Jews



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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