Peter Navarro #wingnut

Donald Trump’s former adviser has urged Fox News pundits to “cut the Kamala c**p” and stop referring to the vice president by her first name because it “personalizes her.”

Peter Navarro, a former trade adviser to Trump when he was in office, went on a three-minute rant about “Kamala” while appearing on Steve Bannon’s War Room on Tuesday.

Navarro warned Fox News and Newsmax hosts that in referring to Harris by her first name, they “personalize her” and it is not doing Trump any favors in the presidential campaign.

“Never refer to Kamala Harris only by her first name,” he said. “She is not a soccer star. Pelé, Messi, I get it, but when you use Kamala these days it does not do us any good. Works in the other direction. It personalizes her, it creates a favorable impression.”

Navarro, released in July from a four-month prison sentence, had some suggestions for fellow conservatives on how they could refer to the vice president.

“The only exception to that rule is if you use it with a Trump-like nickname. Kamachameleon... that’s not bad. Kamaliar... that’s not bad.”

Continuing his rant, Navarro pointed out: “When was the last time you heard somebody refer to Donald John Trump favorably or affectionately, simply as ‘Donald’? So cut the Kamala crap.”



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