Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia

RE: No one is trans. Being trans isn't a real thing

( CitizenKaren )
Transness isn't a real thing. It's supposedly feeling like the opposite sex, but as anyone who doesn't claim to be trans can confirm, no one feels like any type of sex. Feeling like a sex isn't a real thing.

TIMs and TIFs are not transitioning to anything, they're just making themselves look stranger.

( hmimperialtortie )
Precisely. It’s a nonexistent “condition”. The whole thing is a lie, a fantasy, a fetish. I doubt many of them even believe it - they’re not genuinely delusional, they’re lying for the power it gives them over people.

( TransWidow )
It was pretty clearly a mental illness with my ex.

( chrysthefeminist )
Exactly, it's a form of power and control, not a "mental illness."

( xx_emptygrave )
Transgenderism is a mental illness for some and a fetish for many. It's a deluded belief that somehow you are the opposite sex "deep down inside" and feeding into that delusion until they travel down the surgery route and destroy their body to match that delusion. Or they are coom-brained males who get a hard on from wearing women's clothes,with the encouragement and coddling from society allows these fetishistic males to LARP as women so they can live their fetish 24/7 and force to involve as much ppl as possible to get the biggest coom.

"Transphobia" isn't real, neither is "non-binary".

It's all a made up thing in a deluded and/or fetishist's mind.

( TransWidow )
Mentally ill and fetishistic aren't mutually exclusive types of trans people, in my experience.



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