Various commenters #wingnut #racist
Fundraiser to pay for the GPUs. Let's not rent but, rather, purchase him the four units. Imagine if this artist had full-time access to the gear and could just start fixing everything they've broken.
I don't see a reason to not do this. And, when done, we should immediately go White-wash anything of theirs that we want. Just steal the film, replace the characters, and distribute it for free online with complete disrespect for the intellectual property and Copyright law.
The seethe that this will cause will be unprecedented in history.
@shadowknight412 Man, Aryan Black Panther, just to piss them off.. And all White Start Trek TOS, replace the jews and negros and the rice faggot with blond Whites...
@shadowknight412 We shouldn't have to fix what they break. No, we should break those that break our culture.
@BrianDCarte1788 @shadowknight412 Doing this will break them. They'll cry so much that the sea level will rise.
@shadowknight412 The Little Mermaid is a Danish story written by Hans Christian Anderson in 1837. By Disney turning the character into a person of African descent, they are committing an act of cultural appropriation.
For a person who has an affinity for working with technology to change the movie to be in line with the story is culturally appropriate.
If our children are going to be called out for cultural appropriation for wearing a beautiful Chinese dress to a prom or wearing a Hawaiian Moana costume for Halloween
If they throw that shit at us- we can hurl it right back at them.
@shadowknight412 I was thinking along the lines of being able to add the yellow star as well for the original purpose, to show how massive their presence is in our media.
@shadowknight412 start it and post the link I'll definitely donate to that. Love this idea.
I mean are they really serious with this White classic? As if blacks can even swim.
@shadowknight412 Pretty much the only way I'd be comfortable with what is essentially 21st century White-Face. Can't let the negros and jews benefit in anyway.