various commenters #transphobia
( Mandy )
How will witholding hormones from men who claim to be women prevent women from getting the treatment they need?
( Alias_Rosie )
I really don't understand the logic leap here. It can be hard to get a diagnosis and treatment for endometriosis, but that's because a lot of doctors are misogynistic and/or undereducated in women's health, not because of executive orders and legislation. Like...what?!?!?!
( pothosvari_ )
It’s forced teaming again. They’re labeling treatment for endometriosis “gender affirming” I’m assuming which is incredibly disrespectful and condescending. Laparoscopies, birth control, vaginal ultrasounds etc aren’t “gender affirming”. It’s needed sex based care for a condition that affects women.
Ah yes, the notoriously under-diagnosed and under-researched pretty exclusively female sex-specific, often debilitating condition with very few treatment options available except cutting out tissue in severe cases. Imagine what might be possible with just a fraction of the funding that's getting thrown at gender ideology if it got put towards endo-research, potentially making a huge difference in quality of life for approximately 10% of women around the world. There might even be medical care to offer women beyond over the counter painkillers, heating pads, attempts to stop the menstrual cycle, or a hysterectomy after years of excruciating pain!
( shewolfoffrance )
I honestly think they especially enjoy extracting concessions from women who are already vulnerable or struggling. Women in DV shelters, female prisoners, girls and women in states of undress, etc. It's sadistic.
( OwnLyingEyes )
Think for many, part of their fucked-up pathology is a need to be seen as the biggest victim in the room, so they target those women and then demand they grovel put their real problems last in order to validate, validate, validate how much more important it is to give TIMs whatever they want.
( shewolfoffrance )
That's how they get power (on the left, at least): sitting on top of the victim totem pole.
( OwnLyingEyes )
They definitely exploit it, but think many of them get off on it too, whether sexually or it scratches some other mental 'itch' for them...or all of the above.