various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
The West is not dead. Not by a longshot.

Anyone who tries to convince you that the West is dead and not worth saving, isn't pro-White. They just hate Western Whites.

There are roughly 600 to 700 MILLION Western Whites alive right now. We don't just throw away this many White people because of a small, toxic minority has been given the loudest voice at the moment.

Germans in a club chanting, "immigrants out, immigrants out! Germany to the Germans, immigrants out!"

( @SimpleFren )
@Nature_and_Race YES. People need to hear this, to stop the blackpilling. I wrote something like this yesterday on twitter. I hope you don't mind my piggybacking off your post, but here is what I wrote: There are about 700 to 800 million White people in the world. That's an estimate, but close enough to make a point. Jews are about 15 million in population. That's an obviously enormous difference. Yet jews would have you to believe that White people are nearly gone. That's deceiving by words. Planting an idea in your head, and then expecting you to despair over it. Likewise, Israel is about 73% jew, and the rest is mostly arab, and that's not including the very arab west bank and gaza. Jews are basically already a minority in the territories they claim as their own. Yet in pretty much all European countries, White people are still majorities. The point is, don't "black pill" over the propaganda from jews. Because White people have been attacked in the past, and we should remember that it always worked out for our rising again.

( @Michael1 )

Seems to me that’s exactly what we’re doing. I’m in America and Whites couldn’t care less that they’re being erased.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Michael1 -- Which Whites? All the Whites I know and speak with IRL care greatly about how White people are being treated by this anti-White establishment.

Get offline, and out into the real world, friend.

( @Moreme )
@Nature_and_Race And these Whites are angry...very very angry.
Shitskins won't like it when that anger erupts.



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