Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #pratt #conspiracy

All the dinosaur bones in museums are fake
And made in China

With the exceptions of large lizards and stegosauruses
Dinosaurs should be relegated to the realm of fantasy

When we believe a meteorite killed off non existent creatures
As part of an evolutionary paradigm
We are not in touch with reality

The story goes that after the impact in the Yucatan
Sediment was lifted in the air for 20 years
Blocking off the sunlight and killing all plants

Which killed all the plant eating dinosaurs
Which in turn removed the food source for carnivorous dinosaurs
But somehow left mammoths and mastodons

And also somehow no meteoritic shards
Can be found at the impact site

If meteorites are real and the earth is a ball and direction is just relative
Why do we not see them going up and down and all around

A flying rock no matter how fast it is going does not catch on fire
Glowing streaks seen in the sky would have to be plasma
And is probably not a natural occurrence

In the past when the atmosphere was more highly charged
Mega lightning would strike the ground
A traverse outbranching would form canyons and trenches which rivers now navigate on

At other times depending on the charge
The lightning would remain vertical
Forming arrowheads tektites and veins of precious stones

The Salish of the Pacific Northwest
Believe that the Thunderbird is a red plumaged creature
That shoots arrows from its wings

The flapping of them makes thunder
While the twinkling of his eyes is lightning

This symbolic account of what was
Is obviously no longer happening
Our world today is a much different place

Behind the distortions and inversions put upon our consciousness
Are secret societies and Satanic cults
Whose job it is to enforce false beliefs and fraudulent deceptions

Our world is a band of frequencies
Their intention is to keep us in a limited energy field
Through our own restricted thoughts

When the populace accepts the narrative given them
They put themselves in a low vibration
And are easily controlled!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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