Various Commenters #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut
RE: British Towns That Are No-Go Areas for White People
They are ‘physically in Britain but mentally living elsewhere,’ said Husain.
This is why dismantling ISIS might have been a bad idea because many of these people could have possibly joined and left the country and never to come back again.
Whites are battered and beaten, no guns to defend themselves against the globalist brown hoards, this is why the communist and globalist want to take our guns away, but they will have to take them over our dead bodies, we can fight to the end.
(We Need More Whites)
We're going to have to get over ourselves about being "civilized," and release our anti-survival modern reluctance against killing our enemies. Our Norse and Teutonic ancestors can be our guides, if we will look to them. You think a squishy modern liberal SJW race traitor whining about "oppression" could keep our forebears from doing what needs to be done? Fat chance. We have to become again the men our ancestors were, and we have to raise new generations that become these men, as well.
Not just whites. A West Indian would also be well advised to keep clear of heavily Muslim areas. A black could be treated worse than a lily-white Englishman; as Bernie Grant, a black British Labour Party politician, discovered when reporting from the Midlands. (I tip my hat to him for having had the guts to reveal the racism he encountered.)
Blacks are always willing to complain about racism. He was a co-founder of the African Reparations Movement who married three white women. He was never part of the solution - he was the problem.
Agree absolutely, but - just this once - he couldn't ignore the Muslim youths who came close to assaulting him.