Mainländer #sexist

Hypocrisy The lack of empathy most foids show is disturbing tbh

It's basically a compulsive disorder, it's less of a choice and more of a desire that CANNOT be quelled at all.

This new IT regular is allegedly a 16 years old hypersexual foid who has fucked over 270 people.

As I linked there, she describes her addiction for sex as something that "cannot be quelled at all".

I wonder if it never crossed her mind, not even once, that some incels here might also be hypersexual, or extremely needy codependents for that matter, who suffer immensely with it as fucking INCELS. Some people here are in their 30s (I myself am), 40s, 50s even, I think @FrustratedWhiteMale was even older than that, and NEVER had the opportunity to have sex or a relationship.

How can a person like her not have any empathy and expect us to have all the empathy in the world for raped sluts? The levels of solipsism, narcissism and coldness is insane.

I fully admit that I have a severe difficulty sympathizing with promiscuous foids who get raped, but this is the case because I'm fucking twice her age and lived all this time as an incel, being and seeing other incel or even normie guys also being rejected, ghosted, abused, bullied, ridiculed, ignored, frivorced, falsely accused of rape/harassment, etc, by foids. I didn't become a misogynist after the first, second, third or even tenth bad experience with foids, I did it after DECADES of nothing but bad experiences with them. All the while seeing that foids love serial killers, thugs, psychopaths, etc, to boot.



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