Of course once the pussy leftist loses the debate, they cry, block, and run away.
Enjoy that shit sandwich rarkorn :D (Big Grin)
I’m likely more left than you, OP, and I’m usually willing to debate a lot of people, as long as the conversation remains civil and the other side does not turn out to be a troll. In those cases (which happens all too often sadly) I then proceed to just ignore them while they think/claim they’ve won.
Of course once the pussy rightist loses the debate, they cry, block, and run away
ftfy [/thedonald.lose ]
You know, that well describes a few religious mutters, I've dealt with, point out where they were wrong, how other people's private lives are NOT their business, blocked forthwith! Sometimes, I block them for insufferable ad homs.
@Creativerealms #56224
And this guy is a troll. Every single diary he has posted is him boasting about getting blocked by a “coward leftie who can’t take an argument”, and considering the only response to one of his diatribes is “What happened to make you so angry”, I’m going to guess he posted something horribly offensive, got blocked, and is now strutting around like he kicked some ass… Rather than one again showed how big an idiot he is.
While I can easily absorb bullshit hurled from some meatsack online, or offline as well, I long outgrew any trolling impulses I had. It stopped being fun. Especially now, in these times, trolling is even lower calling than it used to be. I understand the whole “I’m bored, broke & cooped up so I have to make my own fun” philosophy, but I still have to wonder about the type of excuses for people that continue to do that. Surely picking lame-ass fights with a bunch of strangers online can’t be that satisfying.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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