Mike Stone #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy henrymakow.com
You're a patriot, a proud American, and a kind and thoughtful person. You strive to always do the right thing and treat others the way you wish to be treated.
So how do you deal with such outright evil, such blatant criminality as the stolen election we are now witnessing? On a personal level, how do you deal with everyone in your life that supports this criminality?
How do you deal with your friends, family members, and neighbors who voted for Joe Biden who don't give a hoot about the obvious voter fraud currently taking place?
I come home tonight and hear televisions blaring from my neighbors. They're watching Joe Biden's "acceptance speech."
To them, it's a proud moment. To them, it's a wondrous thing.
So what do I do?
If you met my neighbors you'd think they were the nicest people in the world. The Hispanic couple next door is as helpful and friendly as anyone you'd ever meet. I would do anything for them and I'm sure they would do anything for me. Yet they're celebrating this stolen election like it's the greatest thing ever.
My neighbors obviously have no idea of the fraud that's taking place. They have no knowledge or conception of Communism. They have no idea how bad things are going to get if Biden actually takes control of the White House.
I have friends and family members who believe what they see on the idiot box and never question authority.
Any attempt to educate them falls on deaf ears.
I have no easy answers. I can tell you that I have no patience for the fools and cowards who believe it makes no difference who wins the election and who are too timid to fight. Nor for those who are fully aware of the criminality taking place and support it.