Saifedean Ammous #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt

There is no climate crisis. There is a crisis of lack of affordable essential hydrocarbon fuels caused by the morons who believe in a climate crisis. Kindly stop being one of those morons as billions of lives depend on these fuels & you can't control the climate.

Earth's climate has always changed & its changes before industrialization vastly exceed what we've seen since. [...] We can only protect ourselves from it thanks to the very fuels that the insane carbonhysterics want to ban.

Climate-related deaths have continued to decline precipitously over the past century, precisely because of the essential infrastructure afforded to us by hydrocarbons which have increased CO2 emissions. When exactly will this supposed crisis hit, you delusional hysterics?

The insane carbonhysterics operate like all manipulative cults. They offer absolutely no testable predictions [...] Every single change in climate confirms their apocalyptic hysteria [...]

The carbonhysterics' wildest dreams came true with the insane government shutdowns caused by the coronahysterics. Not only did these have no discernible impact on climate, they also had no discernible impact on CO2 atmospheric concentration. [...]

There is exactly zero evidence that eliminating all hydrocarbons will have any discernible impact on the Earth's climate. There is enormous undeniable evidence it will be massively destructive for the lives of billions around the world? Just try it and see [...]

Try to survive a month without any hydrocarbons or products made from hydrocarbons. This means no computers, phones, internet, washing machines, heating, cars, airplanes, modern medical devices, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, roads, plastics & everything you take for granted...

After you've successfully survived that month & enjoyed it, I would consider listening to your apocalyptic hysteria about the concentration of atmospheric CO2 rising from 0.028% to 0.042%. Until then, you're just another hysterical TV viewer & believer in fiat science.



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