various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Halp )
Anti-White terrorist attacks like the Waukesha massacre aren’t the result of “mental illness.” They’re the result of years of media and government messaging about “White supremacy” and “White privilege.”
( @FlawedEnigma )
( @FanaticalTexan )
@Halp I think the media is conflating 'mental illness' with 'mental deficiency'.
These low IQ chimps don't do the things they do because they are ill, they do so because they are deficient.
Calling them mentally ill implicitly means it's not the norm for them and we can somehow cure them. Recognizing this is the norm means it's a deficiency in their genes and we are incompatible and the only cure is separation.
( @gthousandaire )
@Halp If "White privilege" and "White Supremacy" were so endemic in this country, and so problematic for BIPOCs, there wouldn't be any of them here to complain about it.
( @Emmee83 )
@gthousandaire @Halp let’s make that happen!!
( @prometheus037 )
@Halp bring back lynching
( @Lovecraft_Freeman )
@Halp It’s like Rwanda, the media was used by the government to divide and sow murderous hatred between two groups, one of which those in power wanted gone; so they provided them with weapons and justification for genocide.
( @Volcanic84 )
@Halp The Democrats were losing so many black voters that they had to create racism where it didn't exist. Now they have gone so far that some are talking about going back to segregation because they are too dangerous to live among us.
( @PizzaJohns )
@Halp it is normal for blacks to murder any other race who tries to share a nation with them. They even do this to other blacks all over Africa. They don't need any instruction. They're born that way. The media just makes whites tolerate it
( @rotifer1066 )
The ADL is literally telling blacks to kill whites.
Constantly telling people to “forcefully” attack.
Their words!
This is Zionist supremacist terrorism