What is the Nanjing Massacre?
Are you confusing it with the Treaty of Nanking?
The Japanese government denies all such gossip.
Since there is no fact that the Japanese government had a policy of genocide, it is natural that Asians do not seek guarantees for the massacre.
Of course, Japan has never been brought to court by Asians, including the citizens of Nanjing, seeking guarantees related to the massacre and rape.
If you know any Asians who have been affected, please encourage them to go to court.
The Chinese who filed a lawsuit against a Japanese company for unpaid wages received their unpaid wages because they were found to be true.
Many Chinese people know that there was no massacre, but those with less knowledge are deceived by the propaganda of China's rulers who are famous for not lying.
The unfortunate thing is that the Chinese propaganda is not strongly denied because it is convenient to cover up the immorality committed by the Allies in mainland China and Korea.
It covers up the history of the West's failed attempt to have a Chinese puppet government control the entire Chinese mainland by attacking Manchuria, and it also hides the current situation in East Asia, where Japan had stabilized the region, but the West's failed policy led to the birth of a socialist state and chaos.
Even in Japan, there were people who believed in the silly propaganda.
But after seeing the scene of the Tiananmen Square massacre, where Communist Party soldiers were burned and hung in midair by unarmed civilians, the Japanese understood completely.
The Japanese were shocked to find out that they had been deceived, as there were no stories in Japan about Japanese soldiers being treated in such a manner.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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