American Hypnotist #wingnut #magick #fundie #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

They say that a lie will travel halfway across the world before the truth even has the opportunity to put its shoes on. But is that truly so? It may only seem that way because America’s enemies have captured many of our institutions, notably the media, which are responsible for creating an artificial support and propagation network for weaponized narratives and outright lies. Nonetheless, all lies eventually perish, just as surely as a building without a foundation is doomed to crumble, sooner or later. The only questions are: when it will happen, and what will be the collateral damage?

There’s a reason for this: truth is a force of nature. Any structure that lacks a solid foundation based upon truth will crumble eventually—just like a house without a foundation. From a certain angle, narratives are nothing more than linguistic constructs; and the lasting-power of a narrative is dependent upon how well it conforms to reality.
Consider the possibility that Q invited you to co-author one of the greatest stories of history—the story of the “anonymous” masses of forgotten men and women who learned how to outmaneuver the entrenched powers of the world in order to rescue their great nation and thwart worldwide evil. In the process, we’ve learned more about ourselves, about existence, and about God than we ever knew we could.
No “scientific theory of everything” is complete unless it can relate metaphysical and physical reality together in a coherent framework (aka a framework free of self-contradiction.) The primary takeaway from all of this for 5G warriors is that this means that God, in addition to being your Creator, also uses your experiences and your very cognition in order to structure reality. This is true for all of us, and it takes the concept of WWG1WGA to levels previously not considered by many.

By being a witness to Truth, you do your part to “manifest” a reality that reflects the Truth.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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