Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy
Timothy Leary was a key operative of cultural Marxism, proclaiming in 1967 that a new race will evolve to replace the old. After urging Congress to make drugs like LSD illegal, he shows up in the San Francisco area preaching a Madison Avenue style message of “tune in, turn on, drop out”. The idea was to focus rebellious energies on navel gazing.
The scene’s movers and shakers rarely, if ever, suffered any serious legal consequences for their rampant and very open use of — and sometimes trafficking of — illicit drugs. The question posed is why, if these people were really challenging the status quo, did the state not use its law enforcement powers to silence troublemakers?
Other promoters were (((Abbie Hoffman))), who said, “Kill your parents.” (((Bob Dylan))) (aka Robert Zimmerman) preached a “reorganization of culture.” To quote Dylan, “I have to go within.”
The fonte of this modernity struggle for ethics and morality started in earnest with denazification after WWII. This was the opening to implement it on large populations. The OSS hired a large number of native German speaking European Jews (such as Henry Kissenger) to run intelligence operations against the Axis powers. This gave these players a big toehold after the war when the “denazification” program was instituted. These Jews were then given carte blanche to undertake whatever schemes their hearts desired.
(((Herbert Marcuse))) took this repression theory and wrote more gibberish in a book called “Eros and Civilization.” The short version is that Eros (pleasure principle – leisure and pleasure) and hedonism should flourish. Cultural Marxism, also known as Critical Theory, was essentially destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture, including Christianity, small scale non-monopolistic capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnic identity, convention and conservatism.