If Black Lives Mattered, It Would Be Self-Evident
You don’t have to tell people that sex is great, or that pizza is delicious. It’s self-evident.
Likewise, if Black lives really mattered, you wouldn’t have to say it.
It IS self evident. Some people are just fucking dense. And for that matter there's also people who don't like pizza, pizza you couldn't pay me to eat, and a lot of people that manage to make sex a truly awful experience.
You constantly assert your own worth, and thus far not only have you never been challenged on it they way you insist on doing for others at every turn you make a devastating case against it. Indeed I practically feel less of a human being knowing you even exist.
You don’t have to tell people that sex is great, or that pizza is delicious. It’s self-evident.
That could perhaps be an episode in a new version of Sliders:
The Sliders find themselves on an Earth where in not just that Earth’s version of the US, it has for generations been the Order For The Day that sex is NOT great! It is a chore that married couples are to engage in for reproductive purposes only, taking no pleasure in it. Anyone found to have engaged in sex that was non-marital or/and non-reproductive, like same-sex or/and just for pleasure, is punished with being put on a sex drive repressing drug that is highly addictive.
Likewise, ever since pizza was introduced, it has been the law that it can only be made and eaten at state licensed pizza restaurants. Which anyone is allowed to visit only four times a month, maximum. Admitting to liking pizza is officially regarded as decadent.
But a pair of BLM-like movements saying Sex Lives Matter and Pizza Is Delicious is on the rise. There have been many clashes in the streets between SLM and PID protesters and riot police, unarmed SLM and PID members have been shot dead by cops who fired without warning.
It is self evident, but some people, like ass blasting stupid racist such as yourself need it beaten into your heads. Sometimes literally, with a hammer.
But you do have to say it, because an inordinate amount of people are so stupid, that the blatantly obvious has to actually be stated. You should feel ashamed that it has to even be said, it doesn’t reflect well on you .
Also, pizza is tolerable, at best. Sorry (not really), but this again must be said. The crust is generally awesome, but the rest is strictly take-or-leave.
It is self evident to everybody except fucktards like ‘Socrates’.
Also, much like @kuyohashi says, pizza is just overpriced toasted cheese with extra bits on top.
"You don’t have to tell people that sex is great,"
But, we do. HOW long was harmless sex of one or more categories between consenting adults illegal?
A blowjob is technically illegal in many states.
And someone at DC thinks the good guys don't perform cunnilingus.
Go to Catholic Wedding school and there's a short list of non-sinful positions.
It'sa Neverending battle against bigotry, sexism, and fear. Justlike hose 9f us that see racism as self-evidently wrong.
@kuyohashi #91645
Also, pizza is tolerable, at best. Sorry (not really), but this again must be said. The crust is generally awesome, but the rest is strictly take-or-leave.
Heritic! Blasphemer! Where's the Inquisition when we need them!? :-P
I will say one thing about my own taste in pizza though. A pizza that doesn't start with good bread is shit. But I wouldn't mind just eating pile of melty cheese, pepperoni slices, mushrooms, and pizza sauce without the bread...
@Malingspann #91696
Delivering righteous, pepperoni-topped justice in thirty minutes, or the crucifixion is free!
I'm sorry, it was right there, I couldn't let it be…
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