Medeea Greere #quack #conspiracy

It’s time we talk about a household product that’s probably sitting in your garage right now—a miracle cure disguised as a cleaning agent. We’re talking about borax, and trust me, it’s much more than a cockroach killer. It’s a health revolution waiting to happen.

In the 1960s, Dr. Rex Newnham, a soil scientist from Australia, stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. Suffering from arthritis and desperate for relief, he didn’t turn to Big Pharma. Instead, he turned to nature.
Despite being ignored by the medical establishment, word started to spread. People suffering from arthritis began to hear about borax. Those brave enough to try it were stunned by the results. Arthritis, joint pain, and inflammation were no longer part of their lives. They had found relief in a humble cleaning product.

But fear is a powerful tool, and Big Pharma used it to their advantage.

Well, here’s the truth. The dose makes the poison. Borax, when taken in the right amounts, is not only safe—it’s a powerful cure.

Dr. Newnham eventually found a way to make borax tablets with a safe and effective dosage, but the world wasn’t ready. Borax wasn’t just a cure for arthritis. It has the potential to treat a variety of conditions that plague millions of people every day.
One of the lesser-known benefits of borax is its effect on hormone balance. In both men and women, borax has been shown to help regulate hormones, improving everything from energy levels to sex drive.

In women, borax can help balance estrogen levels, which is crucial for everything from menstrual health to bone density. For men, borax can boost testosterone levels, which has a direct impact on muscle mass, libido, and overall energy.
By now, you’re probably wondering how to get started with borax. After all, it’s not every day you take something labeled as a cleaning product. Here’s a simple guideline to follow:

Start by dissolving ⅛ teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water.

Sip this solution throughout the day.



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