卐 ангел смерти 卐 #racist #wingnut #sexist blackpill.club

Whites have always been the most creative, and most intelligent race

We are the superior race. The Roman Empire, Germania, the Russian Empire, the British Empire, ancient Greece, United States of America, etc were all created by white males. White males have created so much just to see it be destroyed by jews, shitskins, and women. @Slap made a white pride thread on here before, and it turned into a real controversial thread so lets hope that doesn’t happen here.

WHITE POWER!!! 1488 卍


If it was destroyed by Jews, shit skins and women then you were never superior to begin with. This makes no sense. Power is absolute and inmutable, boy.

It does make sense. Jews and Women were jealous of the accomplishments of Straight White Males, so they had to destory our creations and civilizations.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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