Seriously, since when does an education mean you’re bad? I know the republicans go there, especially those with Harvard degrees, but denigrating people for going to college is hardly a progressive platform. Or is it only when women do it?
In 1969, you’re damn right we couldn’t trust “elite educated people”. The “best and brightest” brought us the War on Vietnam and a poisoned world. They’ve had 50 years of rule and look where we are now.
They’ve had their turn. Time for change.
Wow. I guess it’s time to take a close look at high school dropouts for the best leaders. Maybe we can pass a law that says that no educated people can run for office. Make them work in the fields like Pol Pot did. That’ll show them.
I’d love to see a working-class person become President.
It would sure be a refreshing change from the string of lawyers who have messed so much up.
“Messed up?” You are one in a sea of over 150 million voters and by your or ANYONE’S standards, “so much” will always end up “messed up.” It’s called the process of developing public policy, otherwise called LAWS. And guess what, no matter who does it, it will always be a messy, extremely difficult process. And just because you might feel a kinship with someone that mows lawns for a living than someone with a law degree, that doesn’t equate to someone that should be elected to the most difficult job in the world. Change just for the SAKE of change is brainless and a sentiment that has given us the current white nationalist, crime family rule.
Now, if a “working class” person proved themselves with a successful career in government service, preferably elected office, they might make a fine presidential candidate.
We’ve had multiple working class presidents. Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer, Bill Clinton grew up in poverty & was beaten by his stepfather, & the most hated person on Earth by republican majini, Barack Obama was raised by a working, single mom.
You republican morons have your hero, & he proves with every passing second that he & you stupid people have no business running a lemonade stand, much less a country.
It’s kind of difficult to do a job that revolves around the interpretation of rights and passage of laws without having any kind of knowledge of the subject matter. It would be like trying to patch a video game without knowing how to code. The stigma that you shouldn’t trust politicians doesn’t come from them being educated or intelligent it comes from them being disconnected from the concerns of “the rabble” and selling out to guys like Trump whose appeal to you is that you see him as your intellectual equal and the kind of person who does with power what you picture yourself doing. Something that says terrible things about your own mental capacity and moral compass. So what happens when you decided to cut out the pimps and let him plunder your asses directly cheering on his complete lack of understanding of what he’s doing and his focus on the petty spiteful acts that please you? You’re broke as a joke, the joke you’ve become isn’t funny, he’s going to sneak off into the night to leave you with an overpriced hotel bill, and now you’ve got diseases that should not even exist.
@The_Crimson_Ghost #26944
offgrid is a Bernie nut. I know, because I’ve argued with him recently. As a result, he would dismiss all of the presidents you listed as neoliberal corporate sellouts.
@DarkPhoenix #26974
Corporate sellouts it’s a bit subjective, so I won’t comment on that, but Neo-liberal isn’t exactly a characterization I’d disagree with, so he’s right there. What he doesn’t know is as close to Socialist as Bernie appears now, as President he’s going to lean significantly more Neo-liberal because that’s what it’s going to take to get more people together, and overall it actually works better than pure Socialism. Even the more Socialist nations in Europe tend heavily toward Neo-liberalism, because it’s what’s made them as strong and prosperous as they are now, with Socialist inspired programs to at least make sure those who don’t succeed in the system are not homeless and starving.
As far as offgrid’s complain about the “Best and the Brightest”, one that was propaganda crap being spouted by those who thought they should run the country without an input from the public, about how they know best and everyone else knows nothing. Their education had nothing to do with that, it was rather their arrogance and their greed.
And speaking of greed, the biggest factor in our heavy entry into Vietnam really seems to have nothing more to do with anything except having an opportunity to get hundreds of millions, and now hundreds of billions, of tax dollars being given to defense contractors to sell weapons and engineering expertise in war zones that the American would gain much more from by not being there in the first place. They don’t care about the damage done to this nation, or its people, they only want to sell weapons, and you can’t convince people to buy weapons without a war to fight.
@DarkPhoenix #26974
Hold on, what? Anti-intellectualism is usually one of the alt-right’s battle cries and even the handle “offgrid” invokes those survivalist militia nutters polishing guns in a bunker full of canned goods with a head full of black helicopter conspiracies and a raging erection. Furthermore isn’t universal access to higher education one of Sanders’ specific platforms? Something that removes an advantage of the “elite” by making it accessible to the working man and woman improving their prospects and the tools with which they can build their lives and inform their decisions rather than just doing something short-sighted and spiteful? Well, I suppose I look the fool for everything past the first two sentences now don’t I?
@DarkPhoenix #26974
Then he’s the same as a republican majini. Fuck him & fuck the petulant BernieBros. They need to uncork their asses & face reality.
I like a lot of what Bernie says, does, supports & wants to do, but the US can’t handle a jewish socialist now. Not yet. We’re far too stupid & easily scared by buzzwords like socialist. Vote for democratic candidate, even if it’s Uncle Joe Biden. Hold your nose, have a beer, gargle afterwards but ffs vote democratic.
"I’d love to see a working-class person become President.
It would sure be a refreshing change from the string of lawyers who have messed so much up."
An attractive idea. But it would turn out much the same. He'd be constantly interfacing with lawyers and elites filtering the information he is going to base any decisions on.
And even if his chief of staff and cabinet members are selected from the working class, THEY are going to be out of their depths and depending heavily on the experts at their agencies, or running the departments they interface with.
And when everything turns out the same way, those blue-collar stiffs are going to be caught holding the bag, not quite sure how things turned out this way...
Just like every movie where a commoner becomes a prince, or the idiot becomes pope, or the moron becomes president. Except no punchlines and the period of adjustment would include an actual war...
@KZadBhat #26980
When you use neoliberal the way it’s meant to be used, then yes, you can make the argument. When you use neoliberal the way some of the crazy Bernie followers do, though… It’s basically the same as when alt-right nuts scream “socialist”. It’s a buzzword meant to get other nuts to start screaming and/or tune out whatever the person arguing says.
@The_Crimson_Ghost #27057
I like a lot of what Bernie says too, but he has a few major problems that might drive me away from supporting him if I were an American. First of all, he REALLY doesn’t like being asked questions related to how he’s going to execute his grandiose plans. And uh, that’s kind of a big deal, because anyone can say “I’m going to give you Medicare For All and free college”, but if you get elected on it, you’d better have some idea of how to actually DO it. Second, he really, and I mean REALLY sucks at vetting people, and this has been made very clear by the recent Joe Rogan endorsement. Third, I see no sign he’s capable of getting out of “Fight the ESTABLISHMENT” mode and actually bring people together to work on problems.
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