Lundy Lawrence #homophobia #fundie

[This is a heavily abridged version of her DA bio. Click the link for the full text.]

I'm just gonna say this now so people can leave right now if it's too much of an eyesore, especially after having a friend pull some BS on me and other friends all of a sudden in 2017 over this opinion that added to my devastation that college year: I am not a Christian that condones homosexuality.

No matter how butthurt that makes some people, either you bear with the disagreement and live and let live like a sane and normal person, or hit that X button right tf now and spare me more BS from ignorant people who think disagreement = I MUST hate you or think you deserve hell for 'insert sin'.

You can consider even something as chill as live and let live 'homophobic' if you want and be an ignorant lying douche about my personhood, but I refuse to let that nor a religion justify treating LGBT people like dirt JUST for being LGBT. That's disgusting; we are all humans first and that is how I view any and everyone.

It's most likely because they know there's a difference between a preference in relationships or sexual behavior, and trying to FORCE/GUILT people to be how you'd prefer, or treating them like shit because of your different opinion.

If you expect to befriend me, don't act brain dead all of a sudden and try to dehumanize me and every other like-minded 'unupdated' Christian over that opinion because of your own salt against 'unupdated' Christianity because some Christians decided to go by what they thought GOD meant, and not by what man wants or what other people do.

Idgaf about other people; what kind of Christian changes her shit because of what someone else is doing anyways? You pull that backstabbing shit with me or any of my friends suggesting I'm still a homophobe no matter how much I have loved you and proved otherwise, and to even suggest that I should change my beliefs or I apparently hated you all along or something, and I want no part with you.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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