Why Americans are the most delusional of all
Americans are especially delusional in all this, as they think America will somehow be able to stop the virus when 103 other countries couldn’t. Yet they hold this belief at the same time that America has tested almost no one for the virus, as I originally warned over two weeks ago on NaturalNews.com — a story that has now been repeated across the mainstream media two weeks later. As we explain in this new story, The Atlantic finally reported what we reported two weeks ago about the catastrophic lack of testing for the coronavirus in the USA. (Drudge linked to The Atlantic, but he never links to Natural News even when we’re first and more accurate.)
Thus, the belief of delusional Americans that the virus won’t spread in America is precariously lashed to a rickety sinking raft that’s taking on water and is named, “Almost Nobody is Being Tested in America.” Somehow, delusional Americans think the virus can be stopped without any real testing for the virus.
This belief is, of course, utterly insane. Those who hold such a belief are mentally ill (or incredibly stupid). They are perhaps even more mentally ill than the transgenderism pushers who think a biological man can transform into a biological woman by wishing. If that’s true, then why not just imagine the coronavirus isn’t real, too? Or pretend that viral replication in your lungs is no longer something with which you self-identify? Or why not just invoke trans-species magical thinking and declare yourself to be a zebra, then declare that zebras are immune to the coronavirus?
In denying the coronavirus, in other words, Rush Limbaugh is acting out the same sort of lunacy as the transgenderism pushers on the radical Left. Rush is pretending the virus isn’t a problem because he wishes it so.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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