tomale #racist #sexist

RE: When will the JBW SEAmaxxing strategy start failing? When will Loser-Back-Home 本国卢瑟 awareness go mainstream in Asia?

Why Every White guy in Asia is a Loser Back Home 本国卢瑟

you cant make women to stop seeing a white chad as atracctive just because you mock them,china is traditional in his stand on marrying a foreigner but chinese will still date them(even when the thousand years of humillation by european powers is shilled in the media and education).

blacks are shilled in media and that dont make is smv go higther for the average guy,kpop is cited as making asian smv go up and the true is that the average asian can only look like them with more that one stetic operation.

the anti-white,anti-racist ethnic women that,married and breed with white men.

the only thing media shilling can do take the social stigma for dating an asian/hispanic/black so a women that see that race as atractive BEFORE the shilling even begone is to be in better terms with the idea to date them.

asians make more than whites in america,asian-american women still marry white men that earn less and without the necesity of a green card.

indians and asian women have white fever.

i am not white by the way,i dont pass as white.



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