hmimperialtortie & Tesserae_Tali #transphobia

RE: Top 6 Myths About Trans Kids. Number 5 Will Surprise You! - Sue Donym

( hmimperialtortie )
The only thing that surprised me about number 5 was that anyone is claiming it. Which on a moment’s reflection isn’t really surprising, because this whole movement is a lie, and of course they’re not telling parents they want to sterilise their kids and arrest their mental and physical development to keep them childlike and vulnerable. More money for the medical industry and more victims for the paedophiles.

( Tesserae_Tali )

Trans kids and sexuality have nothing to do with each other!

I agree that sexuality and trans identity are inextricably entangled for most trans people, including so-called "trans kids," but I think the relationship is perhaps a bit more complicated than what's portrayed here.

There are, at a minimum, two distinct groups of trans-identified minors. Those who display extreme gender non-conformity and gender dysphoria from early childhood have well-above-average odds of growing up to be homosexual. Boys of this sort are the classic "trans kids," the population represented by the cited studies on desistance; the findings of these studies don't necessarily extrapolate to the more recent (and far more numerous) ROGD cohort.

On the other hand, children who show no signs of gender dysphoria or extreme gender non-conformity prior to pubesence, only to suddenly identity as trans as tweens or teens, are a more heterogeneous (and heterosexual) bunch. Some of them may be struggling with internalized homophobia/lesbophobia/biphobia (although it should be noted that adolescent distress about sexuality isn't quite the same thing as prepubescent gender dyphoria). Others of them are AGP or AHE; in other words, their trans identity is about sexuality, but it has nothing to do with homosexuality. And finally, some of them have contracted a psychosocial contagion—in Carl Eliot's words, "a new way to be mad"— for reasons that have little to do with sexuality at all.



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