Jim Goad #racist takimag.com

[From "Do Black Feelings Matter Too Much?"]

Atlanta was burning two weeks ago after a white cop in Minneapolis killed a black criminal who resisted arrest. Now it’s burning again over a white Atlanta cop shooting and killing a black criminal who resisted arrest.

On Friday night, police responded to a call about a black male who was sleeping in his car while in the drive-thru lane of a Wendy’s restaurant just south of downtown. After police arrived, the suspect, 27-year-old father of four Rayshard Brooks, allegedly failed a sobriety test. Footage shows him actively fighting the two white cops who tried to arrest him. He seized a Taser from one of the police and then ran. While running, he turned back and pointed the Taser at the cop, who responded by shooting him. It’s all on film—and none of it matters.

Of course, there’s no “national discussion” about the plague of black males resisting arrest, even though that’s been a feature in every last one of these high-profile Race Porn cases.

That’s because at this moment in the USA, black feelings matter more than anything else. An unwarranted concern for black feelings—don’t EVER make them angry—may be the wrecking ball that obliterates this country beyond repair.

Is it worth it?

Last week, Ireland’s prime minister Leo Varadkar expressed empathy for the poor blacks who are trapped in Ireland rather than luxuriating back home somewhere in Zimbabwe and said that “black lives matter, but also black feelings matter too.” Varadkar has also expressed more positive feelings toward an American black man named George Floyd than toward the white Irish teen who was stabbed last week by a black teen whose presumed cohorts celebrated the stabbing by proclaiming, “When we finished beating your boys we claiming your girls as our prizes.” To my knowledge, even though Varadkar has bleated loudly against “racism” toward blacks in Ireland and the USA, he hasn’t yet made a peep about this white Irish teen’s stabbing.


We hear that blacks built this country. I didn’t realize you were able to build the world’s sole superpower merely by picking cotton. If that’s the case, one is forced to wonder why they aren’t creating any cotton-pickin’ superpowers in sub-Saharan Africa.

We hear about the nine or so annual killings of unarmed black people by police, but never about the 5,000-8,000 annual black-on-black murders.

We hear about how blacks are supposedly “kept down” here, but never about the fact that on average, black Americans live 15 years longer than black people in Africa and make $15,000 more per year.

We hear about how the system exploits blacks. Funny, but all the stats I’ve seen suggest that they take far more from the public till than they contribute to it. Over half of black households pay no taxes at all, so exactly who’s the exploiter here?

We hear that blacks are constantly being violently terrorized by whites. We never hear the real interracial crime stats. Never.


My friends, I have a severe case of Negro Fatigue. I am all Negroed-out. I’m sorry, but I can’t feel sorry for them anymore. And a lot of people—far more than are brave enough to say anything about it—are feeling the same way.

If someone somewhere is even THOUGHT to have hurt black people’s feelings, the entire country will burn. And everyone knows it. If they didn’t know it a month ago, they know it now. Blacks have been conditioned and encouraged to express volcanic rage at the tiniest perceived slight. Black people now possess the heckler’s veto, and it is the law of the land.

I’ve seen what happens when Americans care too much about black people’s feelings. It’s happening right now before your horrified eyes.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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