I call for all of the following elements that have been used as access points to my life in both the natural and the spirit to be presented before the court and subsequently burned with the fire of God: hair, fingernails, blood samples, saliva, other sources of DNA, cursed objects, fecal matter, urine, evil sacred trees, ritual altars, covenantal rings, heirlooms, tracking devices, consent forms, and technologies. I agree to specifically address anything else that you require of me, Holy Spirit, that would otherwise keep me bound to my persecution
…what you’re using to type your own fecal matter on.
As the venerable Quantum Mechanic would say, ‘Stop using computers’.
Otherwise, you are still part of a group: internet users.
Browser histories. What can & will be logged onto. Data that can be collected by intelligence services.
There’s more than just your ‘Beliefs’ becoming history.
Your quote’s certainly now recorded historical fact in FSTDT’s archive. Thus in Soviet Internet, persecution is by you.
All you have to do is follow the sage advice of Quantum Mechanic.
It’s certainly ironic that you spew your fecal matter via a s(h)ite that demands cookies, eh OP…?!
How much of a contract with that webhost do you have, certainly via the letters T.O.S. …?!