itsnotaboutewe #transphobia

Today I Will Be Kind

This is for all the trans identifying males who lurk here looking for hate. We may joke about you and ridicule you but today I am going to be as kind as I possibly can be to you. Please take my words in the spirit they are given - as a kindness.

Nobody sees transwomen as women, not even other transwomen. When you ask people on trans forums whether you pass or not, they generally lie. They may lie because they do not pass themselves and they would like someone to tell them that they do, so they pay it forward in hopes that you will do the same for them one day. And you probably already have. They think lying to you is kind. Lying is never kind, even when the truth is painful and harsh.

Trans-ally women don't see you as women. When they fawn over you and call you "girlfriend" they are having a lend of you, even if it's done so semi-consciously. They get kindness points and at the same time get to feel deliciously smug at how they made a fool of you. They are treating you like the ugliest girl in school by dressing you up in outrageous makeup and making you think you're pretty, but they are laughing up their sleeves. If you were a woman you would know that, but you're not a woman so you don't see it. These women are not kind.

GC women and men definitely don't see you as women. We also don't see you as ordinary men because we see you as either mentally ill, dangerous predators, disgusting fetishists, woman-hating deviants, or just plain liars. You are walking, talking red flags. We shield our children from you as we would from any other danger. We don't hate you on a personal level because we don't know you, but we know you are a danger because of the mental illness, self-delusion, or open hatred of women that you publicly display when you wear our skin. Are we transphobic? If being transphobic means we fear you - then yes, but we do not hate you or deny your existence. You have destroyed our rights as women so we have every reason to dislike you intensely as a political and ideological group, but not as individuals unless we have had a personal run-in with you.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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