…and while reading Leviticus, count how many legs said dragonfly has, OP. Here’s a beetle, but it’s essentially the same just as a reminder:
Both disprove something: and it’s not Evolution, Eric.
…or is that redacted from your BuyBull as it disproves your own ’God’s Omniscience?!
Being only able to count up to four. No wonder the Atheist Prof. Stephen Hawking was buried & memorialised in Westminster Abbey - along with Charles Darwin - by the Church of England, it shows one thing:
Doing so for he who showed he could do infinitely more than just count to Four but prove the existence of at least Eleven dimensions, said C-of-E values education.
No wonder they’re one of the biggest landowners in Britain - next to the Ministry of Defence - when they count schools in their property portfolio. That dragonfly, and it’s number of legs. Count ’em: if you have the education to do so.
Because your so-called ‘God’ can’t.
When even he can prove less than jack shit, ergo…!