Trans has made me skeptical of therapy and psychiatry
Let’s be honest: Trans is one of the biggest medical abuse/neglect scandals that has ever happened. A huge part of it is tangled up in the therapy sector—which has had multiple scandals before, including the satanic panic. Another sector that’s pushing this nonsense is medicine, particularly pediatrics and psychiatry (along with gender surgeons). I respected psychotherapy and medicine so much more after I peaked. Now I’m just not so sure anymore. If a therapist is willing to affirm someone’s delusion they’re trans, how is such a profession to be trusted? The APA and AMA have all come out in support of Trans. Even the GC therapists in the GV movement i am skeptical of, because their solution to “gender dysphoria” is more pathology and psychiatric intervention, which I don’t think comes from a well-intentioned place but is profit-driven mostly. Almost all of the GC therapists and doctors believe in True Trans and align themselves with True Trans people like Buck Angel. They don’t seem pro-woman or pro-reality to me, I think a number of them are grifters who are doing an about face bc they know the tides will turn on their entire profession. There’s story after story out there about parents taking their kid to a therapist and the kid going down a path to medicalization.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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