“This might sound stupid at first, though think for a moment about it..”
“All males carry the seeds of humankin within,”
Fertile males, yes. Not all.
“thus touching their own to be children in ways which go against the faith.”
Huh? Are you talking about masturbating and ‘spilling the seed’ as abuse of those potential children?
The body needs to shed unused sperm or it rots inside you. You get a seamy yellow discharge.
We’d been to sea two months. A virgin that wouldn’t beat off or watch movies with bare breasts on screen woke up with that in his jamies and thought one of us had giving him an STD. Doc just gave him a prescription to beat off for his own health.
Normal interactions with women should be enough for your own body to eject the old stuff before it’s a problem.
“Women are even more sinful,”
Since it’s biology, and the way men are designed, it shouldn’t be at all sinful.
“for not only do they carry their potential child within in such a despiseful manner,”
You despise women for having nasty, icky, sinful…ovaries? You’re pretty much a twatwaffle, huh?
"they also expel them regulary thus comitting a fierceful breach of even more rules.”
I’d have bet money that fierceful wasn’t a word.
Turns out it was… In the 1600’s. Your ideas are dated and your vocabulary more so.
What rule could POSSIBLY apply women and their periods?
“Is this not why mastrubation is such a sin in itself, for they kill millions of potential lives in an instant? How is this different?”
Masturbation is a sin because if you think of having sex with a partner you’re not married to, it’s adultery.
Onan got bitched out, not for spilling his seed, but for NOT impregnating the woman God told him to.
Also, where did you learn about women’s anatomy, Kindergarten?