All right “Idriss” you typical arse-lifter whose English isn’t up to par in addition to that you can’t believe that Islam is bad anyway!!!
How on earth can you believe that Islam is “good” when I read Chapter 9 of your FILTHY, BLOODTHIRSTY Qu’rân and behold the following (9:5) for example: “Fight and slay the infidels wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war!”
In other words, you so DESPISE and HATE us that you have to attack us without provocation, without reason even if we’ve NOT DONE A THING but assert OUR VALUES, OUR CULTURE, OUR BELIEFS and what WE CHERISH in our own lands??? HOW DARE you believe you’re superior merely because that Antichrist and DEVIL Mohammed told you so???
Listen, you FILTHY inbred Moslem LIAR, RAPIST, MURDERER, GENOCIDE and everything else (if not in deed than in your desires because you so IDOLISE Mohammed, who was guilty of EVERYTHING of that sort and a whole lot more!!!!): it’s because we have read much or all of the Qu’rân, Hadith and Sira – not to mention how you EVIL Moslems have shown yourselves for who and what you are over 1,400 years – that we HATE and LOATHE you with EVERY LAST MOLECULE of our bodies and minds!!!!
By that we know what you try to do of trickery and war, that’s why we have learned who and what you are – and it’s because of that that we must hate BOTH your SATANICALLY-EVIL ideology AND you yourselves because of how you’ve accepted the BONDAGE OF SATAN calling himself “allah”!!!
As to God Having a Son, I’ll proudly answer you via the Nicene Creed:
“I believe in One God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of everything visible and invisible;
“and in One Lord Jesus Christ the Only-Begotten Son of God, Eternally Begotten of the Father BEFORE ALL worlds: God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God: Begotten, NOT made, being of ONE SUBSTANCE with the Father—”
This is what Christians believe – and Jesus Proved Himself over 600 years MORE than your Mohammed to be a WHOLE LOT BETTER in every conceivable regard!!!!
Those of us who are REAL Christians or REAL Jews unashamedly LOVE women, dogs, pigs, apes and EVERYBODY PLUS EVERYTHING ELSE Our Heavenly Father Created – and we remember that He Created EVERYTHING PERFECTLY!!! We welcome them all as He Made them AS HE DID!!!
What do you EVIL Moslems do??? You mutilate your women’s genitals, you make them get ill by not even being allowed to go outside other than in cloth-coffins (and if you had your way, you would imprison them 24 hours a day inside the home as mere baby-makers – and if ever artificial wombs come into being, you’d kill them off as unnecessary!!!!). You WANTONLY DESTROY AND KILL whoever and whatever isn’t “Islamic” – and yet you say that it’s “good” instead of the God-mocking, hating, despising EVIL that Islam, your Mohammed AND YOURSELVES ALL ARE?????
That’s why we PROUD INFIDELS say, with all our minds, hearts and bodies: