
Stephen Dunne #fundie citizenlink.org

A Massachusetts man has filed a lawsuit claiming a question about same-sex "marriage" on the state's bar exam violated his rights, Fox News reported.

Stephen Dunne took the bar exam in May; his score was less than two points shy of the requirement to pass. Dunne said that's because he left one question unanswered concerning the rights of two married lesbians, their children and their property. He said he believed it legitimized same-sex "marriage" – which is contrary to his moral and religious beliefs.

It's a "disguised mechanism to screen applicants according to their political ideology (and) has the discriminatory impact of persecuting and oppressing sincere religious practices and beliefs," Dunne said in his lawsuit.

The bar exam, he said, is not the place for questions about same-sex marriage.

"There's a different forum for that contemporary issue to be discussed, and it's inappropriate to be on a professional licensing examination," Dunne said. "You don't see questions about partial-birth abortion or abortion on there."

Ron Prentice ("CEO" of of the California Family Council) #fundie citizenlink.org

The marriage relationship – between only a man and a woman – is God-ordained. For thousands of years societies have endorsed and supported the marriage covenant because of the benefits that marriage provides to women, men, and especially children. Same-sex "marriage" is the most radical human experiment yet, putting children at risk and threatening generational stability! The purpose of marriage has been undermined so that now the Supreme Court of California has determined that marriage is only about two adults, Party A and Party B. If the traditional definition of marriage is not restored and placed into the California constitution, every child in public school will be indoctrinated to believe there is no difference between traditional and homosexual marriages, and “marriage” will continue its decline as an institution. This is precisely the goal of the pro-homosexual agenda.

Heather Ducharme #fundie citizenlink.org

[An article about a girl who made a Facebook site praising James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family.]

It was about a year ago when I got Facebook. I grew up listening to Dr. Dobson’s program, so I was browsing through groups and I decided to search his name. I did and (the groups) were all negative. They were all against him or making fun of him. That kind of bothered me because he had been such a role in my life. My mom had read a lot of his books to us when we were younger, and they had also really helped her. It had never occurred to me that people wouldn’t like him. I know that sounds childish, but growing up, my extended family – everybody – was such a big fan and listening to his programs was a learning time and a stability for me. So I just decided to create a group about him, about what he was doing that was really good for the family.

Jennifer Mesko #fundie citizenlink.org

Senate Bill 200 adds religion and sexual orientation to state nondiscrimination statutes. Supporters claim the bill will prevent discrimination; in reality, the bill endangers religious freedom by opening the door for the state to punish any person or organization — including small and home-based businesses — that refuses, for religious or other moral reasons, to offer or sell goods or services to homosexuals, bisexuals, 'transgendered' and transsexual individuals.

Kirk Cameron #fundie citizenlink.org

[Regarding the new movie Fireproof, which he stars in and which is also a witnessing tool! CitizenLink is a Focus on the Family website.]

When Fireproof came around, I thought, "Wow, this would be a great opportunity to be part of a project where the Lord is getting a message out to people about marriage — a sacred institution, an institution that is falling apart. It's been watered down. It's been redefined. It's been maligned and attacked. This is a great time to try to turn the statistics around by holding up God's picture of marriage, and say, "This is something so much bigger, so much better, and so much more awesome, than what most people have ever been told, and have ever experienced."

Jennifer Mesko #fundie citizenlink.org

[A new radio ad being played by Focus on The Family, about a new Colorado law allowing transgendered people to use the restroom of their choice.]

"Supporters claim the bill will prevent discrimination; in reality, the bill endangers religious freedom by opening the door for the state to punish any person or organization — including small and home-based businesses — that refuses, for religious or other moral reasons, to offer or sell goods or services to homosexuals, bisexuals, 'transgendered' and transsexual individuals."

[Listen to the ad, it's especially hateful & fundie...]


Jeff Johnston #fundie citizenlink.org

[An article decrying the fact that many employers now support their transgender employees through their transition.]

"Rather than focusing on the work at hand, these businesses are catering to a small minority suffering from a severe disorder — a disorder to which God can bring truth and healing,"


"Usually, you think about business leaders as having to deal with hard realities — wages, taxes, profits, supply and demand. But here they are supporting the radical gay, lesbian and 'transgender' agenda."

Warren Chisum #fundie citizenlink.org

Texas couples seeking a divorce would be required to either wait two years or take a class designed to save their marriage, under legislation proposed by state Rep. Warren Chisum, a Republican. It currently takes 60 days to finalize a divorce in Texas.

Chisum, who has been married for 50 years, attempted to pass similar legislation in 2007, but it was defeated in committee.

Glenn Stanton, director of family studies at Focus on the Family, applauded Chisum for his perseverance.

“Unfortunately, divorce is far easier in this nation than it should be,” he said. “So, asking couples to think more carefully about their relationship, to reflect on the process of divorce, to reflect on the incredible fallout that will come from that — not just for the children, but for husbands and wives — is a very serious issue and worth considering.”

Last year, Chisum authored a law that waves the $60 marriage license fee for couples who take an 8-hour premarital class.

"We're going to attack it at both ends — marriage and divorce — in an effort to keep families together," Chisum told the Austin American-Statesman. "If this just saves one marriage, it'll be fine with me."

Caleb H. Price #fundie citizenlink.org

[About a transgendered person who was fired after coming out to his boss.]

"Activists will no doubt attempt to use this case to lobby to have the nebulous concept of 'gender identity' added as a category meriting special protection under federal law," said Caleb H. Price, research analyst for Focus on the Family.

"Americans have no interest in seeing their tax dollars spent on ‘transgender’ individuals seeking to indulge their confusion — let alone the expenses involved in defending the Library of Congress’ sound decision not to hire Mr. Schroer."

Brian Raum #fundie citizenlink.org

[On the California Supreme Court allowing a gay marriage ban on the November ballot.]

"We’re pleased the court did not — silence the people’s voice this November as well,” said Brian Raum, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund. “The opponents of marriage have proven that they are willing to use any means necessary to impose their will."

James Dobson #fundie citizenlink.org

[An update on the Colorado legislation SB-200 allowing transgendered people to use the restroom of their choice. It was signed into law.]

"Who would have believed that the Colorado state Legislature and its governor would have made it fully legal for men to enter and use women’s restrooms and locker-room facilities without notice or explanation?

Henceforth, every woman and little girl will have to fear that a predator, bisexual, cross-dresser or even a homosexual or heterosexual male might walk in and relieve himself in their presence."


"This is your government in action. It represents a payback to Tim Gill and two other billionaires who have essentially ‘bought’ the state Legislature with enormous campaign contributions. Coloradans deserve better!"

Nate Kellum #fundie citizenlink.org

*Nominee - Lying for Jesus*

(From Citizen Link, a Focus on the Family's site)

A Tennessee court has refused to cave in to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which sought to ban religious expression at a Nashville public school.

“The court acknowledged that Christians cannot be discriminated against for their beliefs, and that personal prayer, mentions of God and Christmas references are constitutionally appropriate in school,” ADF Senior Counsel Nate Kellum said. “The ACLU hoped to wipe out every reference to God.”

(From the PDF of the actual Court ruling provided by the ACLU)

(C)ertain practices at Lakeview Elementary School...did not have a secular purpose and were allowed or pursued to tacitly approve the activities of the Praying Parents, which had the primary effect of endorsing or promoting their Christian beliefs and programs at the school.[] Therefore...the Court finds in favor of the Does and against all Defendants except the Board itself.

John Barner #fundie citizenlink.org

[A commentary about Barack Obama's support for civil unions, which Mr. Obama believes the sermon on the mount justifies]

Pastor John Barner, manager of pastoral care at Focus on the Family, said: "We are always saddened as evangelical Christians when others who identify themselves as Christians do not have the high view of Scripture that we believe is so important. We believe isolated portions of Scripture should not be used to justify a personal preference or a social position that goes in a different direction than the overall message of Scripture.

Kelly Shackelford #fundie citizenlink.org

[A fundie lawyer commenting on eHarmony's discrimination lawsuit filed and won by a gay person. Previously, eHarmony would not match gay singles.]

"It’s basically the power of the government being used to force people across the country to accept beliefs that they know are not moral,"
"It’s an attack on freedom, and people better get ready to fight."

Kerry Knott / LeAnna Benn #fundie citizenlink.org

[About an Illinois library putting a link to Planned Parenthood on their library computers.]

Kerry Knot:
This is horrible stuff...It promotes birth control, sexual activity (and) makes a joke of abstinence. It mocks parents and makes us out to be idiots.

LeAnna Benn:
When I read about the case, I was not surprised because the American Library Association has teamed up with Planned Parenthood on a regular basis to promote 'comprehensive' sex education....The premise is that everyone is sexually active and needs to have access to services,regardless of what their values are, regardless of what their parents believe.

Unknown Fundie #fundie citizenlink.org

[Fundies are now blaming the lack of newborns for adoption on abortion.]

Legalized Abortion Drives Down Adoption Rates

Adoption rates in the U.S. have plummeted since abortion became legal in 1973, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

A recent CDC report shows that before 1973, nearly 9 percent of babies born to never-married women were placed for adoption. By 2002, that number had dropped to about 1 percent.

Chuck Johnson, vice president of the National Council for Adoption, said that creates a sad situation for the thousands of families waiting to adopt.

"Americans' attitudes about adoption have remained positive," he told Family News in Focus. "(Unfortunately) with that has come a decrease in the number of women considering adoption.”

Devon Williams / Valerie Huber #fundie citizenlink.org

[Parents for Truth, a new fundie abstinence-only education group, plans to 'fight' comprehensive sex education.]

Devon Williams:
"The National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) has launched a national campaign to educate parents about the harmful information their children are often exposed to in so-called “comprehensive” sex-education classes at school.

Parents for Truth will equip parents to fight "comprehensive" sex ed in their children’s schools and promote abstinence-focused sex education."


Valerie Huber:
"'Comprehensive' sex education is often very graphic and explicit,” ... “It is not age-appropriate, and it actually encourages sexual activities that put teens at risk for not only disease, but a host of other consequences."

Carrie Gordon Earll #fundie citizenlink.org

[About newspapers that publish gay wedding announcements in states where there is a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.]

"It's entirely possible that newspaper staff has not connected the dots between having a state constitutional amendment and requests to publish same-sex 'marriage' or commitment announcements," said Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of Issue Analysis at Focus on the Family Action. "Readers should give publishers the benefit of the doubt unless and until they determine that the newspaper is in fact disrespecting the vote of the people and publishing such counterfeit announcements.

"At that point, people need to hold the newspapers accountable."

Devon Willians / Bruce Hausknecht #fundie citizenlink.org

n California, gay activists are pulling out all the stops as the state prepares to vote on a marriage-protection amendment.

Originally, the ballot initiative's summary statement explained that the amendment simply defined marriage as between a man and a woman. Now, it also states that the amendment will "eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry."

Several groups, including the Alliance Defense Fund, filed an emergency lawsuit Tuesday to delete the negative and misleading additions from the ballot.

Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst for Focus on the Family Action, said the attempts by California and Massachusetts to impose same-sex "marriage" on the nation will result in legal chaos.

"Those 48 other states and their courts are forced to deal with fallout from exported same-sex 'marriages,' like divorce, alimony, child support, estates and other issues," he said. "They will be addressing issues they are not equipped to deal with, except in a traditional marriage context."

Bruce Hausknecht #fundie citizenlink.org

"Opening up restrooms and locker rooms to anyone 'claiming' a different gender than the one he or she was born with is simply an invitation for Peeping Toms and sexual predators to take advantage of the chaos to endanger women and children," said Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst for Focus on the Family Action. "Appeasing the gender confusion of a few at the expense of public safety is an insane purpose for such legislation, and one that society should vehemently reject."

Kristan Hawkins #fundie citizenlink.org

[An article slamming Planned Parenthood.]

They don’t want to be known as the leading provider of abortions in the country. They want to be known as an organization that helps college women and gets them the contraception they need, but they don’t really want to advertise what they do best and that is killing babies.

Diane Gramley/ Caleb H. Price #fundie citizenlink.org

[In regards to the University of Pittsburgh allowing transgender students to choose the dorm they want to live in.]

Diane Gramley:
"Student safety should be utmost in the minds of the University of Pittsburgh and other schools," ... "This policy change opens the door for sexual assault of female students and lawsuits from concerned parents and students."

Caleb H. Price:
"Universities are supposed to be about the pursuit of truth and reality," he said. "Yet the University of Pittsburgh has caved in to a politically correct dogma that dictates that gender is 'fluid' and can be changed. This is not the truth, nor is it based on reality. Fact is, no matter how many surgeries and hormonal therapies a person might undergo, biological sex cannot be changed."