
kingjameswriter1965 #fundie kjbisjesuschrist.blog

The Catholic “Church” is of the Devil!!

I know I’m raising eyebrows with that subject but it burns within me to expose this cult of all cults. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic high school in spite of getting saved at age 14 (it was my fault because I didn’t know what being saved was back then). However God used faithful Christians in an AOL chatroom in 1999 and I had revival and finally knew what it meant to be a child of the living God. THANK GOD FOR CHRISTIANS WHO CARE ABOUT OTHERS!

This is the article that fueled my hatred for this prisonhouse religion:


Oh would to God more Christian believers would stand up and say that the Catholic cult is a fake, man-made, horrible perversion of the truth of Christianity. By the way, Catholics are NOT Christians UNLESS they’ve been born again, like I was during those 20 years of fruitless living, not serving the Lord and living in darkness. I have learned much in these past 40 years (I am 54 years old), and I am powerfully compelled by the Holy Ghost to tell everyone that the Catholic religion is straight out of the pits of Hell, and the Lord Jesus Christ will one glad day consume it with the Sword of His mouth, and the pope, the priests, the nuns, and all the ungodly who rejected Christ will fall down into the Lake of Fire where it belongs!!

To those of you who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and are sitting on the sidelines waiting for God to do something because you think you deserve it, I say, get up and do as you’re told! Quit hiding your light under a bushel! God isn’t pleased with you, and He surely will not bless your life if you continue to sin against Him by not speaking up for the truth! That’s why God put us here right now: to GIVE HIM GLORY!

Let me preach a little. Your priest can’t save your soul from Hell’s flames. Your priests are HUMAN BEINGS, just like you. They by no means have any power to forgive sins. You’re wasting your time visiting a confession booth. I had to do this junk twice a year when I went to that heathen Catholic high school, and because I didn’t know any better, I thought I was PLEASING GOD. What a shame! How cruel of my teachers to brainwash a 14 year old little girl, naive, totally trusting the adults to teach her right, to do this worthless, powerless, fruitless act of obeying MEN!! Not to mention reciting the Rosary a million times, going to morning Mass, and being terrified of a life-size crucifix every time I walked through that hallway! I am ASHAMED of the Catholics! You better get right with Almighty God and COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, or else you will face severe judgment at the Great White Throne!!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie kjbisjesuschrist.blog

I hadn’t seen my best friend in a long time. We met today and had lunch at a familiar place which in reality is nothing but godlessness and sinful. It was at a “church,” of all things, but today’s apostate churches are as common as cornflakes these days. What bothers me is that I bought my lunch from this place, knowing that doing so, I was in fact supporting its evil agendas.

Now you say, “What’s the big deal? It was only food.” It was also liquid devil, a.k.a., BEER, which is a sin in and of itself. You see, the purchase of that food (and beer) will help support this “church” because they “need the money,” or so my friend said. Need it for what? So they can maintain their lavish gold idols and expensive programs? So they can go on teaching false religion to those who reject Christ and the Gospel? Also, my friend told me that they used to hold this event only once a year at the beginning of fall, but now they hold it twice! Did I hear “cha-ching”?

I’m not familiar with what this religion teaches (and don’t want to be, no thanks), but the fact is if you’re not supporting and praying for the true church (NOT Catholicism, but the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, blood-bought and saved), then you are bidding God speed and approving of the false religions’ idolatry, hated of Jesus Christ, and blasphemy. My friend said they made $30,000 last year. Have you ever seen that much money raised for a Bible-believing church?? I haven’t!

If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, (the doctrine of the true Gospel, 1 Cor. 15:3,4) receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. 2 John 1:10, 11

That means if I put even one penny toward any false religion or prophet, I am doing the same thing that heathen religionists do, bowing to false idols and spitting on the God of the Bible. Oh Lord, forgive my shortsightedness and ignorance!

There are many false religions in the world today. I won’t say which one was the culprit in my plight, but my Bible says in 2 John 1 not to partake of their evil deeds. That means, buying food from them when they’re lying and saying they need money but they really have more money than they know what to do with. By the way, my friend said the priest cusses a lot (takes God’s Name in vain) and acts like an outright fool. Need I say more? Let me just put it this way, this “church” is NOT a Bible-believing church. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes at the judgment!

You may think I’m some kind of nut for bringing this up, and it may seem trivial to you, but the truth needs to be told. Let me tell you, God’s Word is NOT trivial, nor is it to be taken lightly. I’ll gladly be a NUT for Jesus Christ, because I know I’m screwed on to the right bolt!!

kingjameswriter1965 #sexist #fundie #transphobia kjbisjesuschrist.blog

All you ladies who want to copycat and piggyback off of Joyce Meyer and all other feminists who need to get right with God, you need to get saved, go back to the kitchen, and do what God commands a woman should do. That goes for every woman police officer, every woman soldier, and all else who “wear the pants” (literally) and make people think they’re tough, strong and manlike.

My soul, I’ve seen pictures of women with huge muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger who think that’s what strong women should look like. Let me say, that is nothing but disgusting and prideful. By the way, you’ll see these she-men in the Isagenix commercials and ads!! Ugh! SO gross!! And if they don’t have big muscles, they’re showing off everything they do have, clad only in skimpy underwear!! Isa-Body?? It should be called “Gag-Me-With-A-Spoon!!”

Here’s a powerful article by Bro. David Stewart on how women ought not act like men and quit their positions as pastors and ministers. They are really serving the Devil, not God. You can also look up in his website about how women in the military are being repeatedly raped, sodomized and molested by their male peers. Sound like the good life, ladies? You’re an imbecile if you think you can be a frontline soldier! God pities you!!

Ladies, you don’t have to be physically strong to be seen as authoritative, you need to obey God Who will strengthen you in mind and spirit to serve Him. You don’t need to dress like men or act like men. You need to be soft, sweet and loving. You need to dress like a lady, e.g., feminine, NOT a feminist. If you’re a lady, act like a lady, for goodness sake!

There’s nothing uglier than a woman who looks like a man, talks like a man, and wants everyone to think she’s a “he” and I won’t go any further than that. We have too many he-shes and transgenders in this nasty world to mention here. Do you think God approves of all that? NO!! And I don’t care if you don’t like what I just said, you can get mad at GOD because He said it first!!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia kjbisjesuschrist.blog

Are you on fire for God enough to lose friends?

I’ve had a good friend at church and on my Facebook for years. She enjoyed my pictures of nature and that we both love Pennypack Park (where I go riding my bike). However, she posted something today that made me sad, even disappointed. She is misled by the world about a certain TV program, “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,” which is a promoter of the gay agenda. I told her this, and that she shouldn’t be watching that show. She didn’t agree with my stand for Christ, saying the show “promotes love and empathy.” Empathy for what, sodomites raping straights??? So reluctantly, I removed her from my Facebook, because I am not going to force my opinion down anyone’s throat, even though I thought she was a believer like me. Just goes to show we can’t see anyone’s heart, but thankfully God can.

I’m not judging anyone for the TV shows they watch. If you enjoy watching filth from the vomit box, then that’s your issue. As for me, I gave up watching TV years ago. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. Thank God He got my head out of that gutter!! And yes, I’m speaking in strong language. All this TV garbage will be completely destroyed by the Lord very soon. What a wonderful day that will be!

When you really desire to follow the Lord and live for Him with all your being, you will lose friends. The world will give you up like a cat with a hairball. Someone once told me that I’m a “hardliner” because I tell it like it is, no whitewashing or sugarcoating. If God can be straightforward, so can I, and He gives me the power to do so. Even so, AMEN!! Show me empathy on that!!

kingjameswriter#1965 #conspiracy kjbisjesuschrist.blog

I had to write a post about 9/11, the horrendous event that caught New York City and the rest of the world by surprise on September 11, 2001.

How can I begin to tell of the awful tragedy that day held. How many people died. How many ended up with lifelong health issues and untimely deaths from the dust and debris they couldn’t help inhaling on the ground. How many were forced to jump because of the horrible smoke and flames in the upper floors. How our government leaders got away with murdering thousands of souls– many, I’m sure, who were not born again.

You heard me right, reader. I said THE GOVERNMENT killed thousands of people that day in this event which some deluded folk STILL call a terrorist attack by Osama bin Laden and Muslim extremists. This day is not a day for celebration. This day was the gateway to a New World Order, which is well under way in 2019. Truth is hard to swallow, but that doesn’t make it a lie. Fact is,

9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB. < < read it and weep, if you care…

18 years is a long time, a whole generation of children growing up to adulthood. A baby born that year who turns 18 this year is now considered an adult. What I want to tell them is, don’t believe anything the government tells you. They are all Satan-worshipping liars who want nothing more than to destroy your life through the evil public school system, booze, drugs, porn, evil music, movies and TV. And to the adults I say,


kingjameswriter1965 #fundie kjbisjesuschrist.blog

I am an avid follower of the Jesus is Savior website. For years I’ve been reading its articles and referring to its many varied subjects in all of my blogs, this one certainly not excluded. I find this website a clean breath of fresh air in the midst of the tumultuous sinful turmoil of the internet world.

Unless I must, I won’t go anywhere else, for fear that other websites are corrupted in some way, whether it’s the Gospel or the very climate of the website overall. There’s just too many evil devices out there nowadays for a true believer in the blood of Christ to approach without prayer and extreme caution (Psalm 101:3).

I’m not saying I won’t go anywhere else at all, but I’m immediately turned off by anything that does not coincide with the King James Bible. I can spot a Bible error in no time flat. I am as narrow-minded as the Bible, as the JIS author frequently says. I love and appreciate his efforts and prayerful hours of hard work preparing his articles and videos. He is a pastor, thoroughly seasoned in life and very much on fire for the Lord. His articles are hard-hitting, yet compassionate. I highly recommend this website to anyone who seeks Biblical truth.

Even though this author gets much hate mail (he calls it that), and even though he physically suffers unceasing neck and back pain incurred from a bus driving accident back in 2004, he continues on in the fight for souls, the race in which the prize is the Lord Jesus Christ. He frequently writes scathing articles on different subjects exposing sin for what it is, and even though he gets over 25,000 hits per day, and his website is first on the list of Godly preaching searches on Google (his site has been, by God’s grace, up and running since 2002), there are some subjects that his readers carefully avoid, such as sermons from unknown preachers over the years who were as on fire for God, like Dr. Max Younce, and other preachers’ videos who have attained popularity but not fame, such as Pastor Danny Castle in North Carolina and the late Dr. Jack Hyles (a list of impeccable preachers’ works and videos). Truly this website is a microcosm of Biblical power and principles, Godly teachings and doctrine, and it all stems directly from the Scriptures of the tried and true King James Bible. Many, many folks have been born again from this website. That right there says a lot.

I’m going to do something he won’t want (cover your ears, Brother) and say to the world that this author is a prodigy in how much he loves God. It’s very rare that a man is so deeply in love with his Savior and will literally put his life on the line for others as he does, for his Savior’s sake. Yet that is the very command that Jesus gave us, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, our mind, our strength, and our neighbor as ourself.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie kjbisjesuschrist.blog

I know I may raise a few eyebrows when I expose this new gaming trend called Stadia. As always, I am against anything that is idolatry against worship of the one true God in Jesus Christ. Any thing, any person, any hobby, any vice or sin, is IDOLATRY (worship of a false god). You cannot worship God and for example, money, at the same time. God will NOT allow any other to steal His glory, which is rightfully His alone. To do so is to commit a grave sin.

This is what Wicked-pedia says about Stadia:

“Stadia is a cloud gaming service operated by Google, said to be capable of streaming video games up to 4K resolution at 60 frames per second with support for high-dynamic-range, to players via the company’s numerous data centers across the globe, provided they are using a sufficiently high-speed Internet connection.” …

Notice Google never says a bad word against anything they promote. They make it look desirable and worthy to possess. They are in cahoots with the evil powers that be who want to demolish anything innocent, beautiful and pleasing to God. I personally despise Google, Facebook, Twitter and all their evil internet kin. They are of their father the Devil, and the lusts of their father they will do (John 8:44). They are all damned to Hell where they came from, and will reap rewards of shame and contempt in the everlasting flames of the Lake of Fire. PARENTS, WAKE UP AND PAY ATTENTION!! THE INTERNET IS NOT YOUR OR YOUR CHILDREN’S FRIEND!!!

Now I admit I am not educated about gaming of any kind, but I do know that it is a shameful waste of time for a person of any age to spend countless hours in front of a gaming console or TV set pretending to be something you are not. Tell me it’s not true how many young people think they’re playing a game with someone their own age across the globe and in reality it’s a 60 year old pedophile looking for a young person to destroy. Call me old fashioned, I’d rather be such than to have my mind warped by the Devil’s devices in these ever-evolving “games”, which are nothing but selfishness and pride packaged in bright colors and ear-pleasing sounds. All you see and hear are the “good” things of the world, never the end result. The Devil always shows you the glory and the power, but he never lets you in on the wasted lives that could have (and should have) been used for God.

God gave us a free will to decide what to do with our life. I am not saying that He will force you to worship and serve Him; He will not. He lets you decide what you do, who you are, what profession you serve, what flavors you like, what dreams you have, etc. However, He created each of us to worship Him and to serve Him. You will stand naked before God after your final breath and He will ask you what you did with His Son, Jesus Christ. Ecclesiastes 12:13: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” The “whole duty of man” emphasizes believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, because without Him we can do nothing for God. That verse in Ecclesiastes sums it all up. Anything and everything else is idolatry, therefore in vain and worthy of judgment.

By the way, gaming is nothing but a poor substitute for imitation of something that you want to be. It is the heart that is desperately wicked, and the heart is what people go by to satisfy their ungodly lusts. I’m so sick of hearing idiots say, “Follow your heart” when it’s the HEART that is so wicked and evil. For example, take Gears of War. Why in the world would you want to appear like some mutated ape going around slicing other players to death with a chainsaw? You want to tell me God winks at such wicked pride? That is sick. It’s no wonder today’s youth are so obsessed with death and killing themselves and others: THAT’S ALL THEY KNOW!!! Where are the Christians???

I am speaking to a generation that doesn’t know God and rejects the Lord Jesus Christ. These games from Hell are leading everybody who plays them into the Lake of Fire. I say that because ”gamers” don’t realize the wrath being recorded in the books in Heaven. Every idle word that you speak will be accounted for in the judgment (Matthew 12:36); how much more will these idle “games” which warp the mind and destroy the soul.

You better listen to me, young people. Forget Stadia, X-Box, Nintendo, and the like. You need to get saved and throw away your devilish games and hellish consoles NOW. The sooner, the better.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie kjbisjesuschrist.blog

Following is another blog I ran across. Reading these makes my heart hurt, because some people actually believe them as if they are true. Again, every one is a lie. The Bible is the only truth.

Victorian deathmyths

There is no such thing as bad luck, good luck, or any other such garbage. Luck is a falsehood coined by haters of God’s Word, because they want to think that they can control their own life. God knows all the thoughts and desires of the hearts of men. The heart of man is desperately wicked. So if you believe in any kind of luck, you got it– you’re a FOOL.

When I went to the burial yesterday, it was a torrential downpour. Lightning, hailstones, you name it, we got hit by them all. I can only thank God that nothing worse happened to any of us. No accidents, no injury, only the hand of God protecting each one.

According to this site, rain during a funeral is considered “good luck” because “the soul of the departed is on its way to heaven.” With so many funerals happening on rainy days, you’d think the whole world went to Heaven by now. That is LUDICROUS. May I say, if the soul of the departed wasn’t SAVED by the blood of Jesus Christ, it goes no further than STRAIGHT DOWN TO HELL. AMEN!!! ONLY BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS GO TO HEAVEN, as I’ve said umpteen times. NOBODY ELSE. So if this particular soul was SAVED, it didn’t have to wait till BURIAL to go to Heaven, it went to Heaven AS SOON AS THE FINAL BREATH EXPIRED FROM THE BODY. Face the truth, fools! It’s good for you.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie kjbisjesuschrist.blog

References from Wicked-pedia??

I’m not sure why, but some referrers to my blog are coming from Wikipedia. I wonder, what does Wikipedia have that would lead people here to my blog? So I’m just going to presume that it’s the Lord, Who knows what He’s doing, and is perhaps leading folks to my blog to get them saved. At least that’s the only reason I can think of.

Yes, I believe God. I believe He can take a worldly, lying monstrosity like Wikipedia and turn it around to use it to His glory. Oh yes, sure He can, and I have no doubt that He has, and will still! God is over all, in all, and through all! You better believe He can do anything His will demands, even through His powerful puppet Satan and his evil devices! Oh yes, I sure do believe God!

I also believe the Lord likes to show Himself off at times. Any time a person is born again out of drug use, or a broken home, or even if they live a clean life, or are entangled in some kind of trial like divorce or the sin of sodomy; be assured, God is over all and He has the power to break that sin and show forth His glory in a changed life. We’re the stupid fools if we reject God’s love gift of salvation.

To reject Jesus is to damn your eternal soul forever in Hell. Why would you take any chance and risk Hell when this whole time you could run to the cross and receive the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes, I’m preaching to you, Wikipedians!! TODAY is the day of salvation! Come to Christ NOW, before it’s too late for you!

There’s a reference to Wikipedia for you. Now go publish it to the world!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #conspiracy kjbisjesuschrist.blog

[Re. the December 2018 - January 2019 US federal government shutdown]

We’re in bad shape, people, when our own elected (or should I say, SELECTED) leaders go shutting down all we depend on as the nation sinks further into more sin, depravity and decadence. I believe the highest leaders were due to make sacrifices to Satan during these five weeks. Sound shocking? Wake up and do some research. A lot of secrets are being made manifest plainly nowadays. I mean, who cares, right? We just wanna get drunk and PAHTAY!!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #quack kjbisjesuschrist.blog

As a now long-sober woman of God, who has learned to give all my cares to Jesus, I want to tell you what drugs really do to a person. Drugs are doorways to your soul. When you take drugs, demonic spirits enter in and wreak havoc on your body and slowly destroy your mind. That sounds weird but it’s true. Why do you suppose people on drugs act like animals, screeching, destroying things, even running into cars’ windshields and getting up without a scratch? That’s evidence of demon possession. Why do you think it takes four grown men to hold down a wasted druggie? Because demons (fallen angels) are powerful entities which take over your body, your mind, and your soul. They possess superhuman strength, which makes the druggie physically stronger than he normally is. When you stick a heroin needle in your arm, or smoke crack or meth, you are in essence allowing evil spirits into your whole being. They use these powerful vehicles (drugs) to enter into your body and get you high, and addiction happens when you crave the very first high you ever had; however, the human body is not made to withstand supernatural forces, and you can never attain that level of “high” any more, so you want more and more and you become a wasted human being, sick, diseased, worn out, burnt out, penniless, powerless, and with no hope of recovery. The Devil always shows the glamour, the glitz, the power and the fame, but he never shows you the death, the destruction, nor the Hell that awaits your soul when you perish.

I’ve seen poor folks so messed up on meth that they look like shells of their former selves. They live on the street, begging for money in front of Wawas or in the middle of highways where they can very easily get killed. They need much prayer. They have no hope but the needle, the bong, the blunt, the fleeting rush of intense power and well-being which vanishes faster and faster so they keep shooting up more and more, and then end up dying without God. You can get mad at me and say I’m delusional by labeling your addictions as demon possession, but what else would you call this if it wasn’t for satanic power…

Seeing this breaks my heart. What a waste. I pray that she is still alive and gives her heart to Jesus.

I started to show a picture of a meth addict’s teeth, but you can look that up for yourself, if you dare. It’s too terrible to show here.

I wanted to give my testimony because I have been around the block a few times and I know what it’s like to suffer under the overpowering control of drugs. Granted, I can’t say I’d done anything stronger like meth, PCP or acid, so please don’t judge me by the things I didn’t do. Point is, I’m telling you that the Lord Jesus Christ is far more powerful than your addiction. But I have seen others struggle under the stranglehold of drugs and how wasted their lives ended up, all because they wanted one more hit, one more high, but then all they get is Hell if they didn’t get born again.

I said all that to say this. If you are reading this and have a substance abuse problem, there is hope for you. Jesus Christ came to set you free from bondage, even the bondage of drug addiction. This is not Al-Anon, nor AA, nor a mental hospital, this is Bible. You can be saved. Jesus can set you free from your addictions. You will not go to Hell if you do drugs– you go to Hell for not believing on Jesus to save your soul FROM Hell. You can be born again and live a clean, glorious life for Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, never have the urge to do drugs again.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist kjbisjesuschrist.blog

Just what happened today blew my mind, and the irony is that this particular thing is as common as cornflakes, so to speak. Let me be blunt.

I went to the Wawa, where I go for lunch. At the counter was a bald man in a long black dress. I kid you not. I tried to assume that it was really baggy pants, but no, it was a dress. Also there were women wearing leggings so tight they looked like they were painted on. Last week a butch female was there, and the week before some skinny girl dressed like a boy with a short, cropped haircut, with her girlfriend in tow. By the way, they looked absolutely miserable.

I’m not going to judge them, but the Bible says for men to not put on a women’s garment, and pants of any kind on a woman is an abomination to God.

It’s as though everything is backwards. No wonder the gays/lesbians are taking over. Nobody says a word, so they flourish, propagating their unseemly, hellish doctrine on the ignorant and unlearned. Forget the Bible, we’ll do what we want! But a day of reckoning is fast approaching.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #transphobia kjbisjesuschrist.blog

Another pet peeve I have (and I know I’ve lost you already with my harping) is that people think they can change genders. My first thought is, where did this come from?? But then I realize the human heart is desperately wicked, and those without Jesus Christ are easily influenced by the Devil.

Why would anyone want to change what God has made them to be? And this is pushed in the public schools?? Tell me I’m wrong! That’s just sick! I can’t imagine what legions of devils are at work when a person has a trans-sex operation or whatever you call it (it’s called ABOMINATION)!! There are DOCTORS who SPECIALIZE in this kind of garbage! They get paid probably millions of dollars PER SURGERY to turn a girl into a boy or a boy into a girl! What’s next? Trans-SPECIES??? It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Oh wait, that’s ALREADY been done (chimeras)!!

What set me off was when I saw something on Facebook that someone my family knew had a female name after a male name. It reminded me of that nasty Bruce Jenner person-thing. We are certainly in the end times, when good is called evil and evil is called good!! I don’t know the person, but if he’s got a female name, that sets off alarm bells in my head!!

Also, while I’m calling Facebook out, did you know that now you have the option to change your gender on your profile?? They just brought this out a couple weeks ago! So that means if I wanted to say I’m male, then people on the outside would think I’m a man!! UGH!! Talk about “coming out of the closet!” ANYBODY can be or imitate a LGBTQ anymore!! I’ve accidentally been called “brother” before, but this is too much!!

I’m sorry to rant so much but the world just gets to me sometimes and I need something to get it off my chest. Hence, my lovely blog!

By the way, if you don’t like what I’m saying and are judging me solely by what I’m writing here in this post, then you don’t know me very well. You need to quit judging people and let God be the Judge! Because I’ll tell you right now, we are ALL going to be held accountable for our lives when we face Him. EVERY idle word (and deed) men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the judgment (Matthew 12:36)! It’s going to happen, don’t you worry.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie kjbisjesuschrist.blog

I had a startling thought. Things from years ago weren’t anything like they are today. I was born in the mid 1960’s when there was no internet, no cellphones, no harshly sexualized TV, no 1,000+ bible PERversions, you could still keep your door unlocked, people weren’t so hypersensitive, men were men and women were women and not gender exclusive, people weren’t living off drugs, etc.; you can fill in the blank. There was still privacy to a certain extent, God was still worshipped as God, and the Bible was still the Bible.

Not so anymore. In the 50+ years I have been alive, I have seen society, the entertainment industry, and the fear of God slowly change for the worse. I can’t help but think that years ago we were better off, and our children still had a fighting chance to turn out good, well-rounded citizens of society. But oh my, how that has changed.

Nowadays, in case you haven’t noticed, everything is backwards, upside down and all scrambled up. My God in the morning, how, outside of the grace of God, do people make it through the day? The answer to that question is revealed right here, on the internet. Hiding in plain sight. This very powerful invention has taken us off guard and completely conquered every facet of life. Nobody does not possess a cellphone. Nobody has no access to the internet. Nobody is completely free from its cold, calloused clutches and alluring voices, sounds and colors. I can only think of one clever, very powerful being who is exclusively responsible. His name is, SATAN.

Think about this now. The Devil (Satan) is called by the Holy Bible as “the prince of the power of the air.” He is second in power to God Almighty Himself. Satan is the god of this world; God Almighty is King of the universe. God allows Satan a certain amount of power to act on men’s and women’s hearts, minds and souls, but in His will and timing. This is why I push the Gospel so much. Satan wants your soul, so he can have one more victim to drag to Hell with him when Jesus casts him into the Lake of Fire.

Since God allows Satan some power, he takes over every imaginable human thing that we need to survive and live. Since he is the PRINCE of the POWER of the AIR, he uses all kinds of electronic equipment to influence entertainment, news, fads, celebrities, false doctrines, liars, leaders in high places, and so on to control our lives. He uses THE POWER OF THE AIR, e.g. electrical devices (also called “the Devil’s DEVICES;” why do you suppose your phone or TV is called a DEVICE?). The primary method he uses, I’m convinced, is THE INTERNET. Everything and everybody you connect to, join in, buy from, publish to, have a conversation with, and keep track of is ON THE INTERNET.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie kjbisjesuschrist.blog


Sun worshipping fools… they have no idea who they’re messing with…

June 21st, a day of sinful practices and drunkenness, a day of Godless abandon and debauchery. This article from the Satanic Nat Geo society lists a few of them in living color. You can have all this abomination, I’ll take the Lord Jesus any time!

Just a fair warning: Summer is the worst time of the year spiritually because everybody walks around naked, drinks too much, and manifests all kinds of Godless behavior. You know I’m right! If I were you, Christian, I’d go out with a stack of Gospel tracts in my pocket and just hand them out. If they mock you, that means you’re doing the right thing for Jesus. They always hated Him, and worse, they’ll hate Him after they’re dead too.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger kjbisjesuschrist.blog

Another thing that fuels my righteous anger is that damned FLAG. Now, just to make a distinction. It’s a rainbow, right? WRONG! That is NOT a real rainbow. The “pride flag” is only SIX colors. Six is the number of MAN, and in this case, HOMOSEXUAL man. God’s rainbow has SEVEN colors. The sodomites are so against God and hate Him so much that they turned the rainbow into an abomination itself, of SIX colors! It leaves out the color INDIGO!!

HERE is God’s rainbow… SEVEN colors…

See that reddish purple at the far right? That’s INDIGO.

So why am I going on about this? Because it needs to be EXPOSED for the SIN that it is. These people are defiant, rebellious, and sick-minded. PRIDE, in what?? You can get married like NORMAL people do?? You can defile yourselves with one another?? You can adopt children (God help them) and “raise a family”?? You can flaunt your SIN in God’s face, and expect Him to back off?? Oh no, NO, my friend, GOD ALREADY HAS YOUR ETERNITY IN MIND. You’re the one who has to change YOUR mind!! YOUR DEGENERATE, DISGUSTING, FILTHY, “ALTERNATE” LIFESTYLE MAKES GOD ALMIGHTY SICK!!!

We are all sinners, folks. The LESBOS, BISEXUALS, GAYS, TRANNIES and QUEERS– EVERY one of them will fall on their face in the Lake of Fire one day and confess that JESUS IS LORD, to the glory of God the Father, EXCEPT THEY REPENT– NOW— and come to Christ as the GUILTY SINNERS THEY ARE. AMEN!! EVEN SO, COME, LORD JESUS!!

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #sexist kjbisjesuschrist.blog

I heard a song on the radio yesterday that I had to really listen to in order to get the meaning. It’s a slow song, talking about how someone used to love someone but now they went to someone else, so the artist says for them to “love” themselves. However this is a clever play on words, because at first your mind hears whoever he’s singing about to “go love yourself,” but in reality he’s saying for them to go “F*** yourself.” Here’s the lyrics to prove it.

“‘Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh baby you should go and love (“F*#@”) yourself
And if you think that I’m still holdin’ on to somethin’
You should go and love (“F***”) yourself –Justin Bieber,” “Love Yourself”

He’s in reality telling her to go and F__k herself, in other words, masturbate. See the play on words?? See the filthy innuendo?

So now that I’ve pointed this out, you say, what am I getting at? I’m so glad you asked.

The music industry is filled with innuendo and sexually stimulating, evil, depraved filth. The Devil, who is the originator of all sin, knows how people think. He knows people love music, or rather, his mangled, ungodly version of music. When was the last time you heard “Sweet Hour of Prayer?” If you’re the average Joe, probably never.

People don’t pay attention to what they’re listening to. They don’t listen to the song and try to figure out what the singer is getting at. They like the lyrics and many can lip-sync along like they’re Justin Bieber himself. They know every song, word for word, because every place they go always has that incessant noise playing over the speakers– in cars, in homes, in the streets, in workplaces, everywhere. You can’t get away from it, and once it’s inside your head, you can’t get rid of it. That’s how the Devil operates, subliminally, speaking to the subconscious mind. That is also how he gets a hold of your eternal soul, by feeding you lies and trash like “Love Yourself” through your subconscious mind.

Music is a very powerful medium because it speaks to our soul. It is spiritual. That sounds creepy but it’s true. Why do you remember every word of “Love Yourself” by Justin Bieber, or “Waka Waka” by Shakira, or Elvis’ songs, or TobyMac’s, or Beyonce’s filthy Sasha Fierce’s sexually explicit songs? Because they appeal to the FLESH, and the flesh is never satisfied. Plus, people go along to get along, which is why society today is the way it is.

The human mind is a powerful thing, because God created it that way. The Devil knows this, so he’s taking every opportunity to corrupt and destroy everything that God made good. That’s his mission, to drag as many lost souls to Hell with him as he can before Jesus Christ casts him forever into the Lake of Fire. He doesn’t care about you, he only wants your soul.

Truthfully, Bieber should own up and tell his fans what he’s really trying to say, for girls to go F*&% themselves (masturbate) for being the trashy whores they are (that isn’t me saying that, it’s God). However, if he did this, he’d lose his money, his fans (who are misguided fools like him) and his popularity, not to mention a slew of lawsuits would be filed against him. People judge others by one flaw, and that’s how they’re labeled for life. That is human nature. So you know that Bieber is going to remain a pawn of the Devil until he dies and splits Hell wide open, that is, if he never gets saved by the blood of Jesus. Sadly, many people love money and worship the god of mammon, and they hate God and the Lord Jesus Christ, Who willingly gave His life for us all. Ungrateful and spoiled. That’s what today’s antichrist generation is.