
Remnant of God #fundie remnantofgod.org

(Note: This is only the first half of the article)

Ever notice how evolutionists will manipulate reality to try and do away with creationism? For example, when you ask an evolutionist how they come up with the age of the sedimentary layers in the earth, they will always tell you they date them by the fossils found in those sedimentary layers. Then when you ask them how they come up with the age of the fossils, they say their age is determined by which sedimentary layer of rock they’re found in. But how can that be? How can the rocks date the layers, if the layers date the rocks? That's what's called “circular reasoning.” One minute they say the rock determines the age of the fossil, the next they say the fossil determines the age of the rock.

Darwin said “It is a truly wonderful fact— that all plants throughout all time and space should be related to each other—” –The Origin of the Species p 170.
The evolutionist agrees with Darwin and says all life on earth evolved from primordial soup, which then somehow formed into many different species like birds, animals, plants, fish etc; and those birds, animals, plants and fish evolved into many different types of species themselves. For example, they believe a bird later formed different types of lizards, horses and dogs. They also believe that plants created everything from vines to trees to flowers, and fish evolved into dinosaurs, apes and humans. If that’s true, then I have to ask the evolutionist why is it for the last 6000 years of recorded history that not a single new species has ever been created? Scientific fact is, we still have many of the old species among us, and we know of many that did in fact become extinct. But not a single bird has been found that used to be a fish. And not a single bird has been found that is related to a lizard. If life truly evolves like they say it does, why did it all of a sudden stop dead in its tracks 6000 years ago? After all, if life is as they define it to be, then it must be a constant evolutionary process for life to continue, which means that evolutionary process be never ending. Some have claimed that mutations are evolution because of some moth that changed its color years ago. Real scientists discovered that the moth changed its color because of its environment. In other words, if just changing its color means they evolved, then that must mean that every time I work in the garden and get a tan I’m actually evolving?

And by the way, I say 6000 years because as Christians we know by reading Genesis chapters 1 & 2 that our Lord created all that is seen and unseen in creation week 6000 years ago. We also know this is when creation stopped and He hallowed the day He rested. We call that day Sabbath to this day and we keep it holy to acknowledge Him as our Creator every seventh day. Could it be this is why Satan inspired Darwin with evolution? I believe so because evolution allows you to hide the fact you were created and in so doing removes your requirement to acknowledge Him as Lord which would mean you need to and obey Him since He truly would know what’s best for you seeing how it is He that made you.

Getting back, the evolutionist believes the evolutionary cycle is never ending, but they too cannot explain why according to their Darwin inspired calculations that there has been no new species recorded for hundreds of millions of years, let alone the true 6000 years as reality dictates.

They also state it takes billions of years for each animal, insect or plant to evolve. If that's true, why do we have termites? Termites eat wood but can't digest it. In their intestines are smaller insects that digest the cellulose the termites place in there for them. Kind of like the worm inside the cricket. The termite can't exist without the smaller insect, and the smaller insect can't live without the termite. If evolution is true neither insect should be on this planet.

There are even some that believe in Creation, but not the Bible version wherein it took only 6 days. These so called "Creationists" insist it took 1000 years for each "day" of creation because 2 Peter 3:8 says, "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" If they aren’t twisting that passage out of context and it is as they claim, why do we have wasps that rely on certain plants to lay their eggs within them to procreate. And if this is true, how do those plants survive without the wasp pollinating them? If the plants and the wasps were created thousands of years apart, how does the plant pollinate without the wasp, and how does the wasp procreate without the plant? That means the 1000 years for each day recorded in Genesis must be wrong by simply applying easy to research reality.

Moving right alone, we have the big bang theory which declares a spinning dot of absolutely nothing exploded to form all the planets, stars, asteroids, black holes, quasars, nova’s, and primordial soup found on earth. According to the scientific discovery called, “conservation of angular momentum”, which actually means, if what’s spinning in a clockwise manner explodes, everything flying off of it will explode in the exact same manner. That being the case, why is it 2 planets, and numerous moons orbiting many planets in our galaxy alone spin in a different direction than all the others. If their big bang theory was true, why is it those planets and moons appear to have come off of a different explosion? Were there two big bangs?

Jumping ahead a bit, let’s take a look at man for example. The Word of God says we were created with Human bodies that have organs that are designed to live forever. Science has recently proven that if we were to learn something new every second, we would take well over 3 million years to exhaust the memory capacity of our "post flood" brains. (Pre-flood brains were 3 times larger) Now keep in mind, no one learns something every second. They just calculated it that way to get an educated idea. Most will learn something new once a week or even once a month and later in life once every few months or so. That means the human brain, as small as it is now, can handle the data for literally billions of years. That being the case, we see that evolutionists also claim that all species evolve after there is a need for a change. So I have to ask, how is it possible for us to have a brain that could hold enough info to last over billions of years, when all we can live up to is 90 -100 years? If evolution is true, why haven’t we evolved to age extremely slow so as to meet the requirements of our own brains, wherein we can live for an eternity?

When you get time I would like to ask you to view a video of a scientific experiment wherein they show how sound waves can actually create visible light when they are directed towards a body of water. The video can be found online. It’s titled, "What happens when you collapse an underwater bubble with a soundwave?" The link is found in box #4 of this sermon’s notes. When you watch that video you will be amazed at how nothing but sound-waves pointed at water did in fact create light, just as the Bible dictates.

Genesis 1:2-3, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
Ok.. Picture a sphere of water in Space. God literally SPEAKS and says, "Let there be light." That amazingly loud blast of sound causes the water to form a small bubble within it. Then that sphere of water collapses internally upon that bubble, and as we see in that video, "there was light" created at that exact moment. Better yet, the scientists also discovered there was an enormous amount of heat generated when that happened, and the method by which the heat arrives is what they deduce to this day is what caused our Sun to be formed in our Solar System. Pretty convincing argument for the creationist is it not?

Ok.. let’s talk dinosaurs. Were you aware that Tyrannosaurus Rex was not a meat eater? Yes, I am fully aware that every evolutionist, and Hollywood director insists that he was. But Christian scientists have recently discovered two things about T-Rex that proves we have all been lied to for quite some time. They found that the roots of T-Rex’s teeth were only 2 inches deep. That means, had he bit into the hide of another dinosaur in his day he would have lost all his teeth. When you compare the size of T-Rex and the fact his roots were only 2 inches deep, he couldn’t have possibly been able to break the hide of such animals as most evolutionists have him eating. His teeth would have broken off before he even broke the skin. Better yet, were you also aware that these same scientists took one of the teeth they dug up, cut it in half, and they actually found the teeth to be gorged with chlorophyll all the way to the center of the tooth. This confirms he never ate meat. Ever.

Now because this evidence is so well known now among scientific circles, evolutionists know they cannot say it’s not true. The data has been published, and they were caught in a lie. But to try and cover the lie, some evolutionists now claim his teeth are gorged with chlorophyll because he ate dinosaurs that were vegan. Problem with that theory is, it still doesn’t negate the fact that the teeth of T-Rex only had roots that went 2 inches deep, which would still make it impossible for them to eat meat. Still, the Christian scientists also offered data that showed the teeth of modern day animals that eat only herbivores. That’s right, their teeth had absolutely no chlorophyll in them.

By the way, this discovery concerning T-Rex also validates the Biblical record once again! Before the flood of Noah, which is when evolutionists claim dinosaurs roamed the earth, and they also claim no man was alive then, we have a Bible verse that declares they were not originally designed to be meat eaters.

Genesis 1:30, "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so."
Still, some claimed this to be impossible by using mankind as an example. They claimed that we as humans must eat meat to receive the proteins found in meat to grow big and strong. They claim that without meat we couldn’t gain weight or become strong enough to sustain life. Besides the fact that you can actually find much more protein in some plant life than you will ever find in meat, look around on planet earth for a moment. Look at all the HUGE animals like cows, horses, hippos, elephants, rhinos. etc. Or look at some of the ancient dinosaurs that evolutionists do admit were herbivores, like the brontosaurus or thunder lizards that were the largest mammals ever to walk the earth. All of them were herbivores! How did they get so big? How is it the elephant, giraffe or hippos, just to name a few, are so large yet they never eat meat?

Now I would like to get into a few scientific facts I found that can do a much better job and confirming what I saw. After all, I’m no scientist. So, I would like to quote a few if you don’t mind.

Remnant of God #fundie #homophobia remnantofgod.org

Drag queens replacing Road Runner, Yosemite Sam

"Yogi Bear, the Road Runner, Yosemite Sam? Apparently just not cutting it for cartoons these days. Set to debut June 28 is an animated show about “toddler drag queens” called “Drag Tots!” features voicing from “famous drag queens,” including RuPaul. Then there’s the Netflix cartoon “Super Drags.” –Source

Is this not expected? Yes it was. And students of prophecy have been warning people for years on this. But because it comes in so stealthily and slowly via the Vatican's long prophesied agenda, all those that ignored the warnings from years ago can't see how it has come to such a festering boil today. Christian prophecy that is based on true Biblical definition is no fly-by-night dime store psychic news network that fails over 90% of the time. Christian prophecy is 100% accurate from start to finish and it never changes.

Just as Jesus Christ declared long ago in Luke 17:26-30, global acceptance of homosexuality in both society and in the church will be the final reason the world will finally come to an end; but this time by fire. Just as we saw in Noah's day, directly before the decision was made to end all life on earth with a flood, homosexual marriage and all that perversion entails was embraced everywhere in society. And yes, that is why the homosexuals today wave the rainbow flag. It's a mockery to the reference of the rainbow that appeared in the clouds after the Lord destroyed the world by that flood.

Now that the media, the churches, the schools and the governments of the world are doing the same thing they did in Noah and Lot's day with homosexuality, the long prophesied homosexual agenda of the Vatican will finally do as prophecy predicted it would do in ending all life on earth. But before the smoke of the Vatican's burning rises up, (See Revelation 18:9) Satan will appear as Jesus Christ to stand in unison with the Pope regarding their Pagan holy day of Sunday so as to make billions believe the Vatican is not the vat of sin it was prophesied to be and then the mark of that awful beast will be enforced worldwide. It is then the plagues will begin for it was also prophesied in Psalms 119:126 that at this point "It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law."

Presents of God Ministry #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #quack remnantofgod.org

On top of all this, Satan is right now using the Pope to do all he can to enforce the mark with the buy and sell portion of the prophecy by 2027 using his long prophesied Climate Change agenda, which is right now being set in stone with corrupt legal maneuvers using the genocidal Covid 19 vaccine as a way to also bring about what they now call “the Great Reset” under the prophesied Socialist global format that is needed to enforce the mark of the beast. And to assure this works perfectly for the Pope, they have been working for decades to bring about a global digital currency so as to better control the people and their finances when they can legally prevent buying and selling worldwide for those refusing to keep the Pope’s man-made Sabbath of Sunday.

Satan is also moving the Pope to set up and then demand a one world government controlled by the beast system in Rome by 2030, (Because Satan thinks Jesus returns in 2031) which students of prophecy know fulfills the one hour with the beast at the end of plague #6.

That all being said, notice this article that confirms a comet (named Encke) is traveling towards earth right now. I would think that everyone knows comets are made of ice. (see more info here) This massive chunk of hail is expected to cross earth’s orbit in the very same year Satan is moving the Pope to have his one world government in 2030. As we know, that one world government only lasts 15 days at the end of plague #6, which them means directly after that plague ends, the 7th and final plague of hail ends all life on earth!

Nicholas #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo remnantofgod.org

No.. prophecy doesn't say aliens will invade earth. And no I am not saying they plan to fabricate or even manifest a global invasion of demons masquerading as Martians on a global scale. They may "say" it and cause a panic without it every happening. And in today's world that appears plausible with all the false falg attacks being promoted in the media as if they are the real McCoy.

Yes, they may try this in certain areas soon, and yes they are already doing it on a small scale as we speak with all those so called sightings and abductions. As Christians we know aliens, green or otherwise are impossible. Prophecy does say the Vatican will get all the world to worship the pope, and in so doing generate a "common enemy" for all the world in us, the remnant of God. Prophecied disasters are about to increase and we the remnant of God will be blamed for it because we refuse to keep the Roman Sabbath holy.

Satan knows this is coming because he understands prophecy better then we do. These global disasters will be used to make us that common enemy that threatens the whole earth. If the people are already conditioned to come together as one against a common enemy. How far of a stretch would it be for them to see no wrong in killing us once the antichrist in Rome convinces them the global disasters are the end result of our breaking the Roman Sabbath.

Remnant of God #fundie #homophobia remnantofgod.org

Yiannopoulos Could Be Fired by Breitbart Over Pedophilia Comments

"According to the financial network “there is a fierce internal debate at Breitbart over whether he should remain with the website over his latest comments,” with some at the right-wing site telling Fox News that Yiannopoulos could be dismissed as early as end of the day Monday. Yiannopoulos was disinvited from Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Monday after a video of him talking about pedophilia resurfaced over the weekend. In it, Yiannopoulos can be heard saying that some relationships between adults and 13-year-olds are consensual and joking that his own experience as a victim of molestation made him good at —." –Source

All I see here is yet another homosexual being used by Satan to further the Vatican's homosexual/pro-child molestation agenda so as to help them normalize it as well as lower the dollar mounts on their astronomical amount of lawsuits. It is also apparent, as students of prophecy predicted, that pedophilia would be pushed in the media as soon as other perverted lifestyles were normalized. And just as expected we saw Hollywood and the US Courts pushing polygamy using the same methods they used to normalize homosexuality so as to bring that to a place of normality that led to the legalization of homosexual marriage which is a MAJOR sign of the end.

So be it! It's not like we didn't see this coming. But it still amazes me how easily Satan can use people in the main stream as willing an obedient pawns. Just as we saw for decades with strange innuendos being dropped in all the sitcoms, news reports and big screen movies; some people were moved by their dying god to sacrifice their careers simply because the timing was a bit off on their statements regarding pedophilia. Like this guy Milo, they thought their popularity made them immune to any backlash and so they were used by the demons directing their every move to test the waters to see how ready the American people were towards a pedophile mindset. While at the same time, allowed even more seeds of perverted decadence to spew out there knowing it will eventually hit some well fertilized sewage in the hearts of millions so as to assure someone else will eventually step up like Milo here to claim molesting an innocent little boy in the hopes of indoctrinating him into a homosexual lifestyle is not only moral, it should be legalized so as to assure the homosexual people continue to flourish. I mean, after all, homosexuals cannot have children. They can only exploit them. And so in their twisted reality they believe they must.

Remnant of God #conspiracy remnantofgod.org

NASA’s new assignments: Find aliens, prove evolution

"The National Space and Aeronautics Administration has done some amazing things for the United States over the years: the initial short flights into space, then the longer orbiting missions, the moon visits, the space station and even unmanned trips to every sidewalk in the solar system. But now it has some new goals: Find aliens. And prove evolution." –Source

First and foremost, NASA never landed anyone on the moon. All they did was win a propaganda war with the best lie. The fact we had "Van Allen Belts" back then and to this day still wrapped around our planet that would fry any human with lethal doses of radiation while passing through them using a tin foil type of 1960's space capsule proves they lied. In fact, when promoting a new space program for the planet Mars, NASA scientists recently admitted the Van Allen belts are a problem they need to work out as they cannot be flown through without killing the astronauts, and they have been caught admitting this numerous times on camera, yet no one seems to remember how NASA claimed to fly through them in the 1960's? (Also watch this video starting at 3:00) So.. why is that? Why is it no one remembers how we were 100% unable to get through the Van Allen Belts decades ago? Well besides the power behind the controlled media that knows all too well how to hide the facts and fabricate all sorts of strange things, most sheeple prefer the lie over the truth because it benefits the flesh.

For example, when our nation lied about landing on the moon that catapulted us into an unprecedented superpower status in both the political as well as financial realm. But not everyone was fooled. Sadly, the majority was and as we all know it's the numbers that count when it comes to pushing propaganda. But why is it that even when we have proof the moon landing was faked by using real science like we now see about the Van Allen Radiation Belts or simple common sense like who was left behind "on the moon" panning the camera up as the astronauts supposedly lifted off to head back to earth, or the basic reality of no blast crater under the lunar lander after they landed? It's simple, why acknowledge the lie after seeing how well America was "blessed" by the lie?

Since we know NASA is Not Always Scientifically Accurate and more politically motivated like any other government office, having them "find aliens" as well as "prove evolution" will indeed become a scientific "fact" soon because the powers that be are about promoting the lies of hell over and above the truth of Heaven. And yes, you guessed it, Rome is behind all this, and I can prove it.

#1, Rome started the UFO agenda literally centuries ago and I share the facts on this as well as some paintings from inside the Vatican of UFO's being present at both Christ's baptism as well as a tender moment with His mother. There's even a painting suggesting aliens were responsible for the virgin birth of Christ. They actually show a laser beam coming from a UFO into the womb of Mary no less!

And #2, the last three Popes have declared in writing that they believe evolution is true. See my Popes of Rome page if you want for more information on that as well as many other documented atrocities of the Popes. And so why would the Popes seek to belittle Christ as Creator and push this alien agenda?

Well, besides the fact the Popes in Rome and all their Vatican prelates have been caught red handed formally worshipping Satan inside the Vatican and then exposed to that end by one of their very own Bishop's at the 2000 Fatima Congress, they have also discovered a way to use evolution back in 2006 to make it that much easier to establish the mark of the beast. Now yes that sounds very strange and way off the prophesied direction of how the mark will be enforced. But keep in mind, they know about the remnant people of God and our prophesied mission to declare the Loud Cry and so they have to do all they can to confuse the masses away from the truth we proclaim. They know if enough people trust the truth as we preach it, their plans to glorify their dying god will fail and so they must muddy the waters to make out job that much more difficult. But take heart obedient ones, prophecy will still be fulfilled. We will do the work and many will "come out of her" just as Jesus said they would.

Misdirection has always been a favored tactic of Rome. In fact this has always been how they were able to come to power as the prophesied king of the north thousands of years ago and then merge with the church to become the Vatican they are today. This is also why a few false prophets today declare Islam to be both the Antichrist and the king of the north lately. They hope to generate a prophetic fog for the prophesied man of sin in Rome to keep the people at bay so as to move ahead on what's really prophesied to happen and it will work because most people don't read Bibles. So this means NASA will push ahead on this alien / evolution research and if the Lord tarries and Rome finds with their demographic research the majority of the sheeple trust their lies about evolution and aliens; they will then publicly announce from NASA that it is scientific fact just as the USA moved ahead when their research showed most Americans will believe their TV sets that showed they landed on the moon!

Remnant of God #fundie remnantofgod.org

Climate experts: Global warming doubts are ‘real science’

"A number of Ph.Ds have written a book chapter asserting that doubts about the theory of human-caused global warming should be considered “real science.” You know, the idea of basing hypotheses on documented evidence rather than a political agenda. But the National Science Teachers Association wants nothing to do with such an approach. Its executive director, David Evans, has written a letter to members insisting they must teach the agendas of the National Wildlife Federation, the North American Association for Environmental Education, the Campaign for Environmental Literacy, the Center for Climate Change Communication and other activist groups. What they must avoid, he contends, is the information compiled by the scientists who wrote “Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming." –Source

This is a major fingerprint of the Roman Catholic popes. This has been how they have always dealt with truth that goes against their current agenda. They used this method during the Inquisitions, during Hitler's reign and they are using them today directly before they get the masses to bow to their lies and bow to them in open worship so as to be sealed for hellfire right before Jesus returns.

The fact many people across America have joined in the easily proven lie regarding global warming confirms they are going ahead with this no matter how many real Scientists step forward. And at last count there were 31,487 real Scientists declaring Global Warming to be a political fraud. And to top it off, the climate of the planet itself has backed the truth all over the world in every single persons very own backyard. From the massive snow dumps (100,8 inches!) occurring near the Vatican not too long ago to the fact a climate change rally had to be cancelled in Colorado due to a "monster snow storm" hitting them just yesterday! (rather comical don't you think?)

One thing we can always count on is the Pope will lie. He has no choice. Like the lying Pharisees before him, he worships the dying god of this world and so he will naturally speak Beelzebub's native tongue just as a child of God will naturally speak truth from the Holy Spirit. And since we know he will lie, we can use that truth to our advantage to not only expose them with every soul the Lord sends our way, we can also use the fact he will always lie to avoid his long prophesied agenda that much easier. It's really just that simple. In fact, many Christians have learned how to do this eons ago.

For example, the Bible says the seventh day is the Sabbath in numerous passages but the Popes of Rome claim it is Sunday. And so Sabbath keeping Christians all throughout History not only kept the faith, they were able to alert others to the truth as it is written in God's Word. Another obvious lie of Rome was easily avoided after obedient Christians throughout history read that their Lord Jesus says in Matthew 23:9, "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." But the Popes of Rome not only demand you call every priest "father," they demand you blaspheme and call the Pope "Holy Father." That is a term only found one time in Scripture, and it is the term of endearment Jesus Christ uses when praying to our Father in Heaven. (See John 17:11) And just to make this quick, as there are many more I can touch on, the Vatican also demands you baptize babies even those the Bible clearly says only adults who confess, repent and declare Jesus Christ Lord can be baptized. But since little babies cannot do that, the Vatican removed Acts 8:37 from all their Bibles.

Satan is the father of lies and any truth found on earth will be subject to attack no matter how big or small that truth may be because Satan hates the God of love that much. And so this global warming aka climate change fiasco will continue on all the way up to and during the 7 final plagues. In fact, it will be used by Rome to force every soul on earth to make the long prophesied decision regarding the mark of the beast. Rome will claim all the disasters are due to mankind's refusal to keep the Sabbath of Rome. And so they will pass a global law (first in the USA) forcing everyone to acknowledge their admitted MARK so as to appease the Lord. And so even though we see overwhelming proof that the Pope is lying about global warming in our own weather patterns in every nation on earth; it will still be declared as if it is warming. Reason being is that Satan really is the god of this world. Being as such his lie has to be uplifted above real truth whenever his lies are exposed. In fact this is what he lives for. Take the Bible itself wherein it is truth cover to cover and how he does all he can to rewrite the truth and even delete verses to hide the truth.

Bottom line is this. We are very close now! No, we don't know the day or the hour. But the fact the very events students of prophecy declared a few decades ago as being signs of the very end are right now fulfilling in regards to the Pope's plans to enforce his mark; we know that if the people we warn don't open their Bibles now, they may never open them because so many prophetic events have been fulfilled right before their eyes and they still stand in denial of it all. And why do they do such foolish things? They simply don't want to leave this earth and all the fun they can have in the flesh any more than Lot's wife could leave Sodom that day.

Remnant of God #fundie remnantofgod.org

Arnold Schwarzenegger to Sue Oil Companies for ‘First Degree Murder’

"Actor and environmental activist Arnold Schwarzenegger says he and a team of lawyers are set to sue major oil companies whose “product is killing people.” —I don’t think there’s any difference: If you walk into a room and you know you’re going to kill someone, it’s first degree murder; I think it’s the same thing with the oil companies,” the Terminator star said." –Source

As crazy as his comments may sound, a narrative like this needs to become the norm in the mass-media if Rome is to be successful in their enforcement of a mark. And so we need to watch for big as well as the little signs like this because those of us that study Christian prophecy know that the Pope of Rome will be moved by Satan himself very soon to demand all people in the world keep Sunday holy to appease God who is sending the greatly increased global calamities that he has named "global warming." The thousands of articles about Sunday laws that keep coming in confirms that hands down. And this is all besides the fact that global warming has been found to be bad science by tens of thousands of real scientists who unlike the handful of Vatican scientists, they don't have a political agenda for everything they say and do.

As strange as all this seems to some we have to remember Satan is the father of lies and so it will always be bold faced lies that he uses against the masses. Need I remind you of the lies He told Eve in the Garden? When you step into disobedience lies become believable. Hence the reason most people trust the Pope, politicians and their apostate pastors today.

All the strange occurrences around the world from earthquakes, volcanic activity, strange weather to animals, birds, insects and fish dying in biblical numbers has been prophesied to happen right before Jesus returns and Satan needs hide this prophetic fulfillment so he can use it against those that don't read Bibles as a very effective way to control them. But Satan, who has now been proven to rule the roost in the Vatican as per biblical, prophetic, historic and even eye witness accounts; he knows that he has very little time left to do his final work and he must ready the masses to kill those Christians who refuse to bow the Rome's admitted MARK of Sunday Sabbath. And so this is why Schwarzenegger said what he did and this is also why all the movies, video games and music has become so violent lately. He's training his loyal and greatly deceived Armageddon troops as we speak. And so, as crazy at it comes off at first by Schwarzenegger, this narrative must begin somewhere so the media can build on the idea that global warming is killing people so as to convince the masses it has nothing to do with the return of Christ. It sounds nutty now yes, but they will build on this. Christian prophecy is that accurate!

So keep your eyes open and you will see Rome will push their political pawns and send their media cohorts to build on the chance to declare the prophesied death sentence upon all those that refuse to bow to the Pope's admitted unbiblical Sunday Sabbath. Once done it will become the law of the land and all that refuse to obey will be legally declared worthy of death. Their reason to kill will be that unless those refusing to keep Sunday holy die, the calamities from God will eventually kill us all. And just as we saw how they used this method of attack against our Lord 2000 years ago, they will use the very same lie again in the near future. And that lie is what high priest Caiaphas stated in John 11:50 wherein he said that "it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not." Then you will see all the 501c3 government pastors who built an image unto the beast in Rome join in unison to lobby for and then pass Sunday laws to supposedly appease the God of Heaven. And all those refusing to keep the Roman Sabbath will then be declared guilty of first degree murder and therefore worthy of the long prophesied death sentence by guillotine. Now do you see why there are thousands of guillotines in storage in the USA as we speak?

Yes, some that never read their Bibles or even studied Christian prophecy for that matter may think what I just said is a bit of a longshot; but before you respond with your comments in my blog or YouTube page, those in bed with Rome have already declared in writing that the Christian God is angry when you refuse to keep the Roman Sabbath of Sunday back when the Xmas Tsunami hit in 2004. They actually said that tsunami killed those 300,000 people because they weren't going to church on Sunday! And did you notice? No one balked at that statement in the churches of the world because as also prophesied they are right now wondering after the beast in loyal obedience anyway. They actually think the Sabbath is Sunday and therefore believe Sunday laws would be a good idea. And since the mortal wound has been officially healed, talk in the media of obedient Christians being guilty of first degree murder will begin as prophesied. This is what's next on the prophetic to-do list of the man of sin in Rome.

And so, as we see; a man that is no stranger to killing en masse in his blood drenched Hollywood movies, this man has obviously been chosen by Rome, the historic mother of all modern day politicians, to begin talking points towards the enforcement of the mark of the beast by declaring climate change is killing us and therefore just as the oil companies should be considered guilty of first degree murder, Rome can now build on this to proclaim the Sabbath keeping Christians who refuse to bow to the Pope will be considered guilty and then the final law will be passed to have us all killed. But those of us that study His Word and His prophetic truths know that when they do that, the Gideon band will go forth and glorify the Lord who protects them from any and all weapons formed against them just as much as He did the seven thousand who refused to bow to Baal in Elijah's day!

Unknown author #fundie remnantofgod.org

Were you aware that Tyrannosaurus Rex was not a meat eater? Yes, I am fully aware that every evolutionist, and Hollywood director insists that he was. But Christian scientists have recently discovered two things about T-Rex that proves we have all been lied to for quite some time. They found that the roots of T-Rex’s teeth were only 2 inches deep. That means, had he bit into the hide of another dinosaur in his day he would have lost all his teeth. When you compare the size of T-Rex and the fact his roots were only 2 inches deep, he couldn’t have possibly been able to break the hide of such animals as most evolutionists have him eating. His teeth would have broken off before he even broke the skin. Better yet, were you also aware that these same scientists took one of the teeth they dug up, cut it in half, and they actually found the teeth to be gorged with chlorophyll all the way to the center of the tooth. This confirms he never ate meat. Ever.

Presents of God Ministry #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot #wingnut remnantofgod.org

As we see in Revelation 20, the prophecy declares that some of the children of God that do NOT go along with the Papacy's mark will find themselves at the business end of a guillotine as did millions already since the church began. All too often the argument arises. How can we as a modern and more civilized people, use guillotines. Would this not be barbaric as well as insane in today's age? After all, we are civilized now, and execution methods of the dark ages are just plain outdated! Therefore, this must prove the prophecy of Revelation chapter 20 to be absolutely false, right? Well, you may want to suggest to those that speak such words regarding prophetic facts, that they should hold on to their hats. LITERALLY!
Not too long ago, I received word that the information I received regarding the guillotines was not only accurate, it was actually being lobbied in Washington DC to get them legalized for governmental use! The states I mentioned on my "current events" page a few years back was in fact GEORGIA & MONTANA as the recipients of these guillotines. The information I had received was that 15, 000 or 30,000 guillotines had been shipped to Georgia as well as Montana for safe keeping until such a time as they are needed.
Some of you may be asking, why in this modern age we would have government officials lobbying for laws that would require guillotines as a way to kill those they deem worthy of death? With all our technology, with all our civilized ways, with all our humane laws; what would drive men to kill with such a thing as a guillotine? MONEY! That's right folks! It's the exact same thing that moves the beast in Rome to do the things it does. They truly serve the god of mammon.

Presents of God #fundie remnantofgod.org

[From "144,000"]

This is speaking of the people that will be standing in the "Time of Jacob's trouble" after the plagues start. The Bible calls them the 144,000. You may have heard me call them the "Gideon band" on occasion. They are trusted by God to be able to stand during the plagues perfectly, wherein the other Christians that were too weak to stand in such a trying time, but are still worthy of Heaven, they will have to die a martyrs death. Reason being is, they are not strong enough to handle the way the people of the world will treat them or their loved ones during the plagues. They would fall into sin for a multitude of reasons we as Christians cannot comprehend clearly enough to comment on. But the Lord. does know exactly what will happen. He loves them so much, He actually allows them to die before that day comes so they will not be destroyed by Satan. They will resurrect when Jesus returns to gain their eternal reward. Many of these dear souls die via the guillotines of course.


By the way, there are already 30,000 guillotines on U.S. soil right now! When the plagues start, judgment is DONE. This is why Jesus says at that exact time in Heaven just before He returns to earth, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." (Revelation 22:11) In other words, those that are without Christ and wicked, (unjust / filthy) these will remain that way when Jesus speaks these final words. However, those that are true Christians and capable of proving to the Universe that God can and has created a people that will trust in Him even in intense times, (the 144,000) these will remain holy and without sin from this day forward. (righteous / holy) Satan will not be able to tempt them anymore. They proved themselves worthy in their loves leading up to this day. Therefore their faith is blessed to allow them to stand during the plagues when God's wrath falls upon mankind. If I am called to stand during these days it will be at this time that I stop preaching to try and get people to find Jesus. Once the plagues start, no one will be able to be saved anymore and no one that is saved will be lost. Whoever is unjust remains that way, and whoever is holy remains that way. Reason being, judgment ended on that day and now the "reward" for their sins is upon the wicked in the way of plagues, and finally death. Our reward will be at the end of the plagues when Jesus gives us new bodies and eternal life.